I live in a house with all the other egg layers
What is la gallina?
This sea mammal uses echolocation to find fish.
¿Qué es el delfín?
I am man's best friend.
¿Qué es el perro?
This animal is black with white stripes...or maybe white with black stripes.
¿Qué es la cebra?
These animals will swing through the trees and like bananas.
¿Que son los monos o los changos?
If it wasn't for me, your cereal would be dry in the morning
What is la vaca?
Without this creature, we would be without honey.
¿Qué es la abeja?
The nine lives myth is related to this animal, who is widely kept as a pet for catching mice.
¿Qué es el gato?
This is one of the largest mammals on earth?
¿Qué es el elefante?
This striped animal will greet you with a hungry stare
¿Qué es el tigre?
I am the main worker on the farm and fun to ride
What is el caballo?
This insect's life cycle is made up of four parts, egg, larva (caterpillars), pupa (chrysalis) and adult.
¿Que es la mariposa?
I cannot go for a walk because I don't have feet. But I have fins.
¿Qué es el pez?
I would want this animal on my basketball team
¿Qué es la jirafa?
A large one of these may squeeze the life out of you
¿Qué es la serpiente?
I will provide you with warmth in the winter
What is la oveja?
¿Qué es la araña?
I am cuddly with long ears and like to eat carrots.
¿Qué es el conejo?
Famous ones include Winnie the Pooh, Yogi, Fozzie, and Smokey
¿Qué es el oso?
He is the king of the jungle!
¿Qué es el leon?
Dime en español otro animal de la granja.
Answers will vary.
I love to swim in cold water.
What is la foca o el pinguino
I live with my house on my back. I am very slow
¿Qué es la tortuga?
I am a natural at the high jump.
¿Qué es el canguro?
These live at the highest points of the jungle
¿Qué son los pájaros?