What are the definite articles in Spanish?
el, la, los and las
When are indefinite articles used?
When you don't want to be specific- it is something, not a specific thing
___ botas (boots) (indefinite)
What do masculine nouns generally end with in Spanish?
Is this correct? Las chicas deportivas.
When do you use definite articles?
to be specific
How many Spanish indefinite articles are there?
How do you say some books (libros)
unos libros
What do feminine nouns generally end with in Spanish?
What is the function of adjectives?
They describe your noun.
Make this plural... la chica
Las manzanas
__ vestido (dress)
In total, how many definite and indefinite articles are there in Spanish?
What is the ending of a plural feminine noun?
What is wrong with this phrase? La estudiosa amiga...
It needs to be La amiga estudiosa...
What is the singular masculine definite article?
What are the indefinite articles in English?
a, an and a few, some
the boys (definite)
los chicos
What do you add to "la flor" (the flower) to make it plural?
"Las Flores"
What do adjectives need to match in the sentence and in which two ways?
Adjectives need to match with the noun in both gender and in number.
Make this plural: el amigo interesante
Name all the indefinite articles
un, una, unos, unas
Out of all the definite/indefinite articles, how can you tell which one to pick? What does it depend on?
The noun
If a Spanish word ends in a vowel, like "e", What do you add to make it plural?
An -s
Where do adjectives of QUALITY go in Spanish?
Adjectives of QUALITY come AFTER the noun/go directly behind the noun.
Quantity (the amount) go BEFORE the noun (Los tres amigos- The three friends)