Honor the Father and Mother
Commandment 6
What are the Two Testaments in the bible
Old and New Testaments
God ask Noah to get 2 of every what
Whos is the father of the Jews
What books are the Ten Commandment part of
I am the lord
Commandment 1
Which book is the longest in the Bible
Which of the sons saw Noah drunk
The youngest
What was the giant’s name that David faced
Whats the name of your Church
Centro Cristiano De Adoracion
not kill
Commandment 6
What are the New Testaments in the Bible???
Jesus's teachings
After the Great Flood God made a promise to never destroy the land again the promise was symbolized how
What were Adam and Eves sons names
Cain and Abel
A follower of Jesus is called a what
no false witness
Commandment 9
What’s the treasure that we all already have
The Bible
Who parted the Dead Sea
How many Books are there in the Bible
no other images or likenesses
Commandment 2
What are the three patriarchs names
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
How many years did the Jews spent in the dessert
40 years
Who gave Moses the Ten Commandments