Translate: "Talk to Pablo"
Habla con Pablo.
Translate "Don't read that book"
No leas ese libro.
Don't do your homework..
No hagas la tarea..
What is the song melody we use to remember the irregular mandatos positivos?
Row row row your boat...
Translate this sentence- Raquel, ven aquí ahora mismo.
What is the infinitive of the command?
Raquel, come here right now. From the verb Venir
Translate "Be careful".
Ten cuidado.
Translate "Don't wash the clothes"
No laves la ropa
How do we conjugate -AR verbs to form the negative command? (3 steps)
Drop the -o of the present tense YO form of the verb and add -es.
What are the 8 mandatos irregulares?
haz, ten, ve, ven, di, sal, sé y pon
Translate this sentence- No salgas de tu habitacíon.
What is the infinitive of the command?
Don't leave your room. From the verb salir
Translate "Clean the table"
Limpia la mesa.
Translate "Don't run in the house"
No corras en la casa.
How do we conjugate -ER and -IR verbs?
Drop the -o of the present tense YO form of the verb and add -as.
How do you say "Don't make noise. (ruido)"
No hagas ruido.
No vayas antes de terminar la tarea.
What is the infinitive of the command?
Don't go before finishing your homework. From the verb ir
Translate "Work with your friend"
Trabaja con tu amigo.
Translate "Don't write on my paper"
No escribas en mi papel.
Translate: Don't play in the house!
¡No juegues en la casa!
How do you say "Sweep the floor"
Barre el piso
Translate this sentence- Put the table outside (afuera).
What is the infinitive of the command?
Pon la mesa afuera. From the verb poner
Translate "Go to practice tomorrow."
Ve a practicar mañana.
Translate "Don't set the table"
No pongas la mesa
What are the infinitives of the 8 mandatos irregulares?
hacer, tener, ir, venir, decir, salir, ser, poner
What are the yo forms of the 8 irregular mandatos?
hago digo
tengo. salgo
voy soy
vengo pongo
Translate this sentence- Be a good student and and do your work.
What are the infinitives of the command?
Sé un buen estudiante y haz tu trabajo. From the verbs ser and hacer