a game, a match.
Almorzar translates as...
to have lunch
What is el gimnasio?
the gym
What is andar en patineta?
to skateboard
What is leer una revista?
to read a magazine
What is un equipo?
a team
What is "to think"
How do you say " movie theater"?
el cine
What is tomar el sol?
What is pasear en bicicleta?
to ride a bike
What is el jugador?
a player
What is "querer"?
To want, to love
What is el fin de semana?
the weekend
What is ir de excursión?
to go on a hike (hiking)
What is el ciclismo?
How do you say "to find"?
A city square in spanish...
la plaza
What is los ratos libres?
spare (free) time
What is ver una película?
What is el baloncesto?
How do you say "to sleep'?
el restaurante
What is leer un correo electrónico?
to read an email
What is ganar?
to win