True or False FYI

Loss which can be recognized by others as well as by the person sustaining the loss.

Ex.  loss of a limb, a child or a valued object

What is actual loss?


Abnormal or distorted grief.

What is dysfunctional grief?


An illness from which there is no reasonable expectation of recovery or cure. 

What is a terminal illness?


This document provides specific instructions about the kinds of health care that should be provided or foregone in particular situations.

What is a living will?


Nurses must stay impartial and shut off their own death and grieving . True or False.

False.  Nurses should allow themselves to go through the grieving process rather than shut off the grief.


When a person displays loss and grief behaviors for a loss that has yet to take place.  Often seen in the families of patients with serious and life-threatening illness and may lessen the effect of the actual loss.

What is anticipatory loss?


Engel describes how many stages of grief?

What is 6?


People have varying attitudes about death and should be treated the same. True or False

What is true?


The patient may opt to appoint an agent the patient trusts to make decisions in the event of subsequent incapacity. This person is the patient's....

What is a durable power of attorney for health care?


A do-not-resuscitate order means that minimal attempts are to be made to resuscitate a patient whose breathing or heart stops. True or False

What is false?  A do-not-resuscitate order means that no attempts are to be made to resuscitate a patient whose breathing or heart stops. 


This occurs when a valued person, object, or situation is changed or becomes inaccessible such that its value is diminished or removed.

What is a loss?


According to Engel, the "resolving the loss" stage of grief is usually followed by a stunned or numb response: "No, not me".  True or False

What is false?

This is the shock and disbelief stage.


An interdisciplinary undertaking that attends to the needs of both patient and family. (Hint:  type of care)

What is palliative care?


The status of advance directives is a guided by the federal government and remains the same from state to state.  True or False.

What is false?  The status of advance directives varies from state to state. 


An advance directive can be initiated on an non emancipated minor. True or False.

What is false?

Advance Directive 

For anyone 18 and older 

Provides instructions for future treatment 

Appoints a Health Care Representative 

Does not guide Emergency Medical Personnel

 Guides inpatient treatment decisions when made available


Examples of this type of loss, include loss of youth, financial independence, or a valued environment.

What is perceived loss?


This word is defined as "the actions and expressions of that grief, including the symbols and ceremonies (e.g. funeral or final celebration of life) that make up the outward expressions of grief".

What is mourning?


A type of death which allows a person to die on one’s own terms, relatively free of pain, and with dignity.

What is a good death or euthanasia?


The physician who verified the death is responsible in ensuring that the death certificate is signed by all parties. True or False

False. The nurse is responsible to ensure that the death certificate is signed.


This type of loss may develop as the result of a natural developmental process.  Ex.  New baby in the household and older child experiences a loss of status.  

What is a maturational loss?


Kubler-Ross described how many stages of grief?

What are 5?


The clinical signs of impending or approaching death include (verbalize a minimum of 3)

What are:

  • Difficulty talking or swallowing
  • Nausea, flatus, abdominal distention
  • Urinary and/or bowel incontinence or constipation
  • Loss of movement, sensation, and reflexes
  • Decreasing body temperature with cold or clammy skin
  • Weak, slow, or irregular pulse
  • Decreasing blood pressure
  • Noisy, irregular, or Cheyne-Stokes respirations
  • Restlessness and/or agitation
  • Cooling, mottling, and cyanosis of the extremities and dependent areas

If death is caused by accident, suicide, homicide, or illegal therapeutic practice, this person must must be notified, according to law.

Who is the coroner?


It is inappropriate for family or the nurse to notify the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)prior to the patient's death because the patient may "pull-through".  True or False.

What is false?  The scarcity of organs has resulted in legislation mandating hospital and other health care facilities to notify transplantation programs of POTENTIAL donors.