Revolutionary Excerpts

All parties involved, both Indians and Colonists have this in common, (something they all desired, and for some, already had). The reading emphasizes this in the first part. 



For 100, can you tell us humorous references to Frederick Lord North's appearance? Reference page 49 of the reading and be as funny as possible. 


Read the 3 Primary Sources on page 4 with your team (5 minutes) then when everyone is done discuss the answer with the class.

What was the general consensus between the British and the Americans. Was there anyway to prevent the American Revolution from occurring and keeping peace between the two? 

Answers may vary, discussion question.

Whichever group gives the best response gets the points listed valued.

 If your group participated in anyway or was the group that picked this question, then you get half the points listed (rounded down). 

100pt->50pt, 200->100pt, 300->150pt, 400->200pt



How did the violence against Native peoples during this period affect the overall narrative of the American Revolution? Conflicts between Colonists and Indians created a divide both religiously and in cultural hybridity.

The violence against Native peoples contributed to a reconfiguration of political authority and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution.


Page 52 discusses Norths views for taxation on the colonies. What are the ideas that North have for British taxation? Do you think his views are justified for Britian, and was it right for the colonies to be taxes so much?

"North regarded the right of Britain to tax America as integral to the absolute and indivisible supremacy of Parliament over America."

For an extra 100pts why would this quote bellow be true for the British?

"The issue of taxation and representation raised a fundamental contest over sovereignty and the limits of British authority in America."


Read the Soame Jenyns Primary Source with your team (5 minutes) then answer the questions bellow:

How would Soame Jenyns define an Englishman? What are the differences Jenyns discusses between a colonist and an Englishman in the British Isles about taxation and representation?

Answers may vary, discussion question.

Whichever group gives the best response gets the points listed valued.

 If your group participated in anyway or was the group that picked this question, then you get half the points listed (rounded down).

100pt->50pt, 200->100pt, 300->150pt, 400->200pt


Who were the Paxton Boys? What did they do and how did it affect the Colonial outlook on militia rebellion?

The Paxton Boys were a militia group that massacred Indians in Conestoga. They were condemned by Benjamin Franklin. Their impact provoked mistrust in those who would take violence into their own hands without orders from a governing body. 


On Page 22 of the reading, King George III explains his ideas on how he has initially treated the colonist. What famous protest action taken by colonists led King George to seek to punish colonists?

Do you think King George the III before this event was too soft with managing colonial affairs? 

The Boston Tea Party 


Read the Ben Franklin Primary Source between with your team (5 minutes) then answer the questions bellow:

What is the conflict between Ben Franklin and the House of Commons. What does Ben want and why is he discussing it. Do you think the House of Commons will give Ben Franklin what he is asking for?


Answers vary, discussion question.

Whichever group gives the best response gets the points listed valued.

 If your group participated in anyway or was the group that picked this question, then you get half the points listed (rounded down).

100pt->50pt, 200->100pt, 300->150pt, 400->200pt


How did Britain reprioritize its stabilization of North America and its new colonies after defeating the French? What policies were implemented?  

Wars were costly and bred instability. Separating colonists from Indians and regulating commerce became “royal” policies, as did granting land titles. From the Great Lakes to Florida and the Mississippi River to the Appalachians, it was now reserved for the use of the Indians. Taxing commerce, managing land reforms, and preserving stability became Britain’s postwar policies.


How was the relationship between Lord North and King George the III? How did Lord North feel about it, was it the same as George the III or was it different? 

There was a different dynamic between the two since knowing each other as children versus later in the reading when North was working with as the prime minister for King George and then ended up resigning from his position.


Read the James Otis Primary Source with your team (5 minutes) then when everyone is done discuss the answer with the class. 

In James Otis's writings what was his 4 points mentioned in the reading, and why do each of them matter. 

In the first place, the writ is universal, being directed "to all and singular justices, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and subjects"; so that, in short, it is directed to every subject in the King's dominions.

In the next place, it is perpetual; there is no return. A man is accountable to no person for his doings. A man is accountable to no person for his doings.

In the third place, a person with this writ, in the daytime, may enter all houses, shops, etc., at will, and command all to assist him.

Fourthly, by this writ not only deputies, etc., but even their menial servants, are allowed to lord it over us. 

If your group participated in anyway or was the group that picked this question, then you get half the points listed (rounded down).

100pt->50pt, 200->100pt, 300->150pt, 400->200pt