Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4

How did the boys happen to come to the island?

  • They were on a Scout camping trip.
  • They were shipwrecked during a sailboat race.
  • They were ejected from a flaming airplane.
  • They had stolen a boat and were running away from school.

They were ejected from a flaming airplane


How and why do the boys make fire?

  • They do it for protection from wild animals. One boy had a pack of matches which they use.
  • The fire was started by lightening. The boys kept it burning.
  • The Little "Uns were afraid of the dark. One of the older boys found some fuel that had leaked from the crashed plane, and carried it to the site in a shell.
  • It was a rescue signal. They use Piggy's glasses as a "burning glass."
  • It was a rescue signal. They use Piggy's glasses as a "burning glass."

What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?

  • They become more interested in trying to build a canoe.
  • They are becoming more savage, and can only think about hunting.
  • They think that the other boys will get over their fear of the dark better if there is no light at all for a few nights.
  • They are inexperienced and don't really know how to keep it burning
  • They are becoming more savage, and can only think about hunting.

What do Samneric tell Ralph?

  • Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends and the hunters will go after him the next day.
  • Jack has promised to kill any boy who gives Ralph food.
  • The hunters are ready to overthrow Jack and reinstate Ralph.
  • They know of a cave where Ralph can hide.
  • Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends and the hunters will go after him the next day.

2. What do the boys have that is the symbol of authority in the society they form?

  • A conch shell
  • A British flag
  • A Bible
  • A whale jaw bone

Conch shell


Why does the boy's plan for rescue fail?

  • The ground and wood were wet and the fire would not burn.
  • They didn't have a well-thought out plan to control the fire.
  • It was foggy and no one could see the signal.
  • They were afraid to get close enough to keep the fire going.
  • They didn't have a well-thought out plan to control the fire.

What happens to the bodies of Simon and the Parachutist?

  • The boys use them to rekindle the fire.
  • They are eaten by the wild boars.
  • Ralph and Piggy feel guilty and bury them.
  • They are taken out to sea by the high winds and tides.
  • They are taken out to sea by the high winds and tides.

Which is not one of the ways the hunters used to find Ralph?

  • Smoke him out
  • Roll boulders down the hill
  • Make nets of jungle vines
  • Track him like a pig
  • Make nets of jungle vines

3. What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?

  • He is optimistic about their chances for survival.
  • He is afraid of snakes.
  • He is creative in his thinking.
  • His method of dealing with the world is violent
  • His method of dealing with the world is violent

How has Jack's personality developed during his stay on the island?

  • Jack is developing into a mystic and poet.
  • Jack is becoming withdrawn and fearful.
  • Jack is degenerating from a civilized boy to a primitive, near animal level.
  • Jack is emerging as a clear-headed, well-organized thinker, and a natural leader.

  • Jack is degenerating from a civilized boy to a primitive, near animal level.

What does Jack plan to steal from Ralph and Piggy?

  • The only blanket
  • The fruit they have collected
  • The fire
  • Their spears
  • The fire

How is Ralph saved in the end?

  • The littluns push Jack off the mountain top into the sea.
  • He is stronger than Jack and defeats him.
  • He swims to the safety of another island.
  • A British naval officer finds him.
  • A British naval officer finds him.

4. Who are the hunters, and what is their job?

  • The littluns; looking for ships and planes
  • Samneric; killing dangerous animals
  • The choirboys; getting food
  • Simon, Piggy, Ralph; governing the boys
  • The choirboys; getting food

Ralph says of Simon, "He's queer. He's funny." What kind of a boy is Simon?

  • Simon is a natural comic. He keeps the group's spirits up with his unfailing sense of humor.
  • Simon is a loyal and helpful worker. He likes to be alone to think and feel the beauty of the forest.
  • Simon is becoming more and more violent. He is losing his sense of civilization.
  • Simon is fearful and belligerent. The other boys don't want to be around him.
  • Simon is a loyal and helpful worker. He likes to be alone to think and feel the beauty of the forest.

What will Jack do if someone interferes with him?

  • He will put them in the small jail cell he has built of stone and branches.
  • He will drive them away from the group and force them to live alone.
  • He will order the hunters to kill them.
  • He will break one of their legs.
  • He will drive them away from the group and force them to live alone.

Who is the author of The Lord of the Flies?

William Golding


What does a Little 'Un think he has seen in the forest?

  • A snake-thing which he calls a beastie
  • Adults' footprints
  • A pack of wild dogs
  • The skeleton of a large animal
  • A snake-thing which he calls a beastie

After Maurice and Roger destroy the littluns' sand castles, Roger stalks the young boy named Henry. When he begins to throw stones, why does Roger just throw near Henry nstead of directly at him?

  • Roger is scared off by a noise in the jungle behind him.
  • Roger is afraid that the littluns will hit back.
  • Maurice tells Roger he (Maurice) will beat him up if he hits any of the littluns.
  • The old laws of school, church, and family still hold him back.
  • The old laws of school, church, and family still hold him back.

What happens to the conch and Piggy?

  • Piggy steals the conch and escapes into the jungle.
  • They are both eaten by a wild boar.
  • Piggy saves the conch but loses his glasses.
  • They are both shattered by the huge boulder.

They are both shattered by the huge boulder


What country are the children from?
