Your Work
Your Table
Inside Our Classroom
Outside Our Classroom

What is the first thing you should do when you get a paper that is just for you?

Write your name!


What is are the names of the tables this month?

Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Stan Lee, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Irving Berlin


You know the answer to a question that the teacher asked or you have something to share. What do you do?

Raise a quiet hand while you are in your seat.


What are the five crew qualities?

Cooperation, Empathy, Perseverance, Responsibility, Reflection

What is another name for jobs?



You finished your work. What do you do?

Check your work and place it in the finish bin.


You need a pencil. Your tablemate has a pencil on their desk that they are not using. What should you do?

Grab a pencil from your table's pencil bin. Or ask your tablemate if you can use the pencil on their desk.


The teacher is helping another classmate but you need help too. What should you do?

Raise a quiet hand.

Ask another classmate for help.

Ask another teacher for help.

Reread the directions on you paper or the board.


It's time to go home and you are doing your job and packing up. You hear Ms. Porter's voice on the speakers. What should you do?

Keep quiet until she is done talking.


What is the only day you get to tell the teacher what you want to do with your money?



You are having trouble doing your work in your seat. You are getting distracted easily. What should you do?

Raise a quiet hand and ask the teacher to move your seat to a spot where it will help you focus.


All of the pencils in your table's pencil bin are gone. What do you do?

Raise my hand and use the pencil symbol.


The morning timer goes off. What does that mean?

Clear off your desk and go to an edge spot for Crew.

Ms. Porter just blew the whistle during recess. What do you do?

Freeze and listen.


What does the botanist do?

DOUBLE POINTS for all five names

Water the plants.  The plants are Spike Lee Jr., Godzilla, Violet, Jonathan, and King.


You're getting frustrated because the work is hard! What should you do?

Use a coping strategy (take a break, use rest stop, belly breaths)

Ask for help (from the teacher or a classmate)

Have a growth mindset. (positive thinking)


It's time for dismissal. It is time to stack up your chairs. You sit at a six-person table. How many chairs can you stack up?

3 is the most!


What are the steps to going to the bathroom?

1. Raise a quiet hand showing the bathroom sign.

2. After getting permission from the teacher, move your magnet to the whiteboard.

3. Grab a bathroom pass.


You are trying to walk in line safely but it seems like a classmate is being silly and trying to get in front of you. What should you do?

Explain to the classmate who is making unexpected choices your feelings and if they stop, brush it off.

If they continue, go to the end of the line and explain to the classroom attendent what happened.


What does the classroom auditor do?

Check to see if people did their jobs that day but punching a hole in their ticket. If they are not sure, they can ask the teacher.


What morning work MUST be completed?

Reflection Fridays.


We finished a lesson and it's time to help put away our folders and workbooks. What should you do?

Put it in a neat pile in the middle of your table.


When is the best time to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water?

When a teacher is not teaching something new.


A teacher tells you to give them five! What does that mean?

1. Eyes are watching.

2. Ears are listening.

3. Mouth is quiet.

4. The body is calm/safe.

5. Hands are still.


What does the classroom attendant do?

They are the caboose of our line. They make sure kids are making expected behaviors and report if anyone is being unsafe or unkind. They also close our door when we leave the classroom.