Kristi Mclelland
April's favorite color.
What is Pink?
Finish the lyric, "I love you Lord, and I lift my voice..."
This man built a great boat during a drought.
Who is Noah?
Who is Dr. Jill Biden?
The two viewpoints through which we have viewed this study.
What are the Western & Middle Eastern Lenses?
Which of our wonderful current bible study hostesses lives in Ontario?
Who is Gina?
What is 10,000?
This prophet travelled down the river in a basket.
Who is Moses?
February 11th the San Francisco 49ers will face the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl number...
What is 58?
The woman at the well came from this region.
What is Samaria?
List the three group names from this study and their meanings.
Arukah- Restoration
Mishpat- Justice
What is Oceans?
This apostle was met by Jesus on the road to damascus?
Who is Saul? For 50 bonus points what was his name changed to?
Taylor Swift's boyfriend wears this number on his jersey.
What is 87?
What is Miriam?
Our very own Crissy's full name.
What is Isabel Cristina Salgado?
This songwriter wrote "This Is Amazing Grace"
Who is Phil Wickham?
These 5 books make up the Pentateuch which is also known by Jews as the Torah.
This dance was made famous on 90's sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel Air after being performed to a Tom Jones hit.
What is The Carlton?
This name should be met by a chorus of "Boooo's!"
Who is Ben Sira?
The title and author of our last bible study.
What is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers?
This artist's siblings are Chrystal, Priscilla and Johnathan.
Who is Anthony Evans Jr.?
List the 9 Fruits of the Spirit
The Siloh's, made famous by Chip and Joanna, can be found in this city.
What is Waco?