How did Jesus ultimately show His love for humanity?
He died on the cross for our sins
Who prophesied about the coming of a suffering servant who would bear the sins of many?
What book in the Bible is known for its romantic poetry?
Song of Solomon
What couple showed faithfulness in old age when God promised them a child?
Abraham and Sarah
Who was the woman who betrayed Samson after he fell in love with her?
What did Jesus say on the cross that showed he loved and forgave the crowd (and all humanity?)
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"
What prophet wept over Jerusalem, showing God’s sorrow and love for His people?
In Psalm 136, what phrase is repeated in every verse?
"His love endures forever"
What woman won the love of King Ahasuerus and became queen of Persia?
What judge married a Philistine woman, despite his parents’ objections?
What did Jesus do for His disciples at the Last Supper to show humility and love?
Wash their feet
Who saw a valley of dry bones coming to life, showing God’s restoring love?
"Love is patient, love is kind..." is from which book and chapter?
1 Corinthians 13
What faithful couple walked closely with God and gave birth to John the Baptist?
Zechariah and Elizabeth
Who was the woman that killed Sisera, saving Israel from oppression?
Who did Jesus weep for before raising him from the dead?
What prophet was told to lie on his side for over a year to symbolize God’s long-suffering love for Israel?
According to Proverbs 10:12, what does love cover?
"a multitude of sins"
Who was the wife of Moses that saved his life by circumcising their son?
What woman saved Israel by influencing her husband to take action?
How did Jesus show love to Peter after Peter denied Him three times?
"He reinstated Peter and told him to feed His sheep"
What prophet stood before the people and called them to return to God, saying, "How can I give you up, O Ephraim?"
Complete the phrase from Song of Solomon 8:7: "Many waters cannot ___ love."
What couple in the New Testament worked together as tentmakers and helped Paul in ministry?
Priscilla and Aquila Acts 18:1-5
Who made a vow that led to the sacrifice of his daughter, displaying a complicated form of love?
Jephthah Judges 11:1-12:7