Signs and Symptons
This and That

Assumes the ultimate responsibility for medical oversight of patient care, within the EMS system.

What is the Medical Director.


Pain, indigestion, nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness.

What is a myocardial infraction (heart attack)?


Place a large sterile dressing soaked with sterile water pr saline over the exposed contents.

What is open abdominal evisceration?


Monitor for the delivery of the ________________. place in plastic bag and and give to EMS.

What is the placenta?


There are four categories of shock , also known as hypoperfusion. Early recognition of the potential for shock and early intervention is essential for improving patient outcome.

What is ABC support, keep patient lying flat, control external bleeding, administering oxygen, keep warm, expediting transport.


The force or forces that may have caused injury.

What is the MOI or mechanism of injury?


I can assist in gathering patient information.

What is SAMPLE?


Occlusive dressing, monitor status closely.

What is an open chest wound?


Place about six inches from baby and the second one about two to three inches below the first.

What is a cord clamp?


Pt c/o of right quadrant pain, near the navel that has moved toward the right side. Reports loss of appetite, n/v soon after pain started. low grade fever. 

What is appendicitis?


Patient is lying on his or her side.

What is the lateral recumbent position?


A process of sorting patients into categories and prioritizing thier medical needs.

What is triage?


A sucking sound each time the patient inhales.

What is a sucking chest wound?


The most difficult type of bleeding to control and may require more than direct pressure.

What is arterial bleed and a tourniquet?


Pt. c/o of rebound pain with mild pressure to right of navel.

What is the McBurney"s point.


Performing a physical exam on patient.

What is a patient assessment?


Chest wall moves outward with inhalation and inward with exhalation.

What is a flail chest?


Time from the start of one to the beginning of the next contraction.

What is interval time between contractions?


Aiways check for an exit wound, which maybe  worse than the entrance wound.

What is a penetrating or puncture wound?


On arrival to MVA, patient has removed them self from the vehicle and is walking around. Pt report no injury. You ask to check vital signs. You find patient's blood pressure is elevated and increased respiratory rate, skin is pale and sweaty and dilated pupils. 

What is shock?


The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What is respiration?


Bright red blood in vomit or stool.

What is active internal gastrointestinal bleeding?


May find this wrapped around bay's neck. , use two fingers and attempt to slip it over the baby's head or shoulders.

What is a nuchal cord?


Stabilize the object with a bulky dressing. do not remove object.

What is a puncture  with impaled object?


You are approaching the scene, the house is mostly dark, several cars in the driveway with out of state plates, shouting can be heard. Your first consideration should be scene safety. 

First, remove yourself from the scene to a safe distance.

Secondly, advise dispatch of your findings and request dispatch of police to scene. Advise dispatch of staging and request notification when scene is cleared.