What injury occurs from eversion and external rotation?
Medial ankle sprain
What is mortons toe?
2nd digit is longer than the 1st digit
Which ankle ligament is extracapsular?
Calcaneofibular (CF)
What nerve is in the lateral compartment?
superficial peroneal nerve
What is the SPIN and SNOUT for the Anterior drawer test?
SPIN- 96%
SNOUT- 54%
What injury is caused from hyperextension of the 1st MTP joint?
Turf toe (sprain of 1st MTP joint)
Hyperextension of the MTP and DIP joints and flexion of the PIP
Hammer toe
Which tendon causes an avulsion fracture of the 5th metatarsal?
Peroneal brevis
What reflex are you testing for achilles?
What does the kleigers test test for?
Syndesmosis and medial ankle sprain
What would the MOI be for a Heel spur (exostosis)?
Repetitive stress or tight plantar fascia
1st MTP exceeds 20 degrees in the frontal plane
What is the swelling called if the ATF and PTF are injured?
When you do dorsiflexion what myotome are you testing?
What are the ottawa ankle rules?
1. palpate posterior aspect of medial maleolus
2. palpate posterior aspect of lateral maleolus
3. palpate the navicular
4. palpate base of the 5th
What is the MOI for a sydesmotic ankle sprain?
External rotation and dorsiflexion
Hyperextension of the MTP and DIP joints and flexion of the PIP?
Claw toe
What ligaments make up the deltoid ligaments?
Anterior tibiatalor
Posterior tibiotalor
Myotome of L5
toe extension
What test would you do for tarsal tunnel syndrome?
What is the MOI for the 3 types of compartment syndromes?
acute exertional: hypertrophy
chronic: reassurance/anatomic abnormalities
What deformity can be concurrent with a bunion?
What muscles are in the anterior compartment?
Tibialis anterior
Peroneus tertious
Extensor digitirum longus
Extensor hallicus longus
What are the nerve roots for the lower leg and foot?
What is the SPIN and SNOUT for taller tilt inversion test?
SPIN- 68%
SNOUT- 96%
(side note, eversion has no clinical relevance)