How many bones are in the foot?
What is 26
What is the largest and strongest tarsal bone?
What is the central ray angulation of the AP Axial Foot and toes?
What is 15 degrees for the AP Axial Toe and 10 degree for the AP Axial Foot.
What are the patient instructions for an ankle exam?
What is hold still
For the axial projection, how many degrees from the IR should the ankle be dorsiflexed?
What is 90 degrees
The superior surface of the foot is termed the?
What is the dorsal surface
What are the names of the small round bones SOMETIMES located on the plantar surface of the foot?
Why is the tube angle important for the AP Axial Foot?
What is to better demonstrate the TMT joint spaces
What ankle projection will clearly demonstrate the ankle mortise in profile?
What is AP oblique with 15-20 degree internal rotation.
What are the views for a routine heel exam?
What is Axial (plantodorsal) and a lateral
What is the inferior aspect of the foot termed?
What is the plantar surface
How many phalanges are in the foot?
Where is the patient positioned for the foot and toe exams?
What is seated on the table with foot on top of the IR
What are AP Stress ankle views done for?
What is to verify ligament tears
How is the patient positioned for the axial heel?
on x-ray table with leg fully extended, ankle in 90 degree dorsiflex, supported if needed
What structures of the ankle allow for the movement of slight adduction/abduction and rotation motions?
What is... Intertarsal gliding movements
Name the 7 tarsal bones using a mnemonic
Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, Cuboid, Cuneiform (Medial, intermediate, lateral)
Cute tiny newborn cubs cry cry cry.
What is the size of the collimation for a foot exam?
What is 1 inch on all sides
What is the collimated field size for all the views of the ankle?
What is 1 inch on both sides and 8 inches lengthwise to include the heel
What is the collimated field for the lateral heel?
What is 1 inch beyond the posterior and inferior shadow of the heel
What 3 structures form the ankle mortise?
What is the medial malleolus of the tibia, the lateral malleolus of the fibula, the inferior surface of the tibia
What type of joints are interphalangeal joints (3 words)?
What are synovial, diarthrodial, hinge type
What should be in profile when evaluating the lateral foot?
What is the entire foot and distal leg, superimposed plantar surfaces of the metatarsals, Fibula overlapping the posterior tibia, tibiotalar joint
What is the image evaluation criteria for a proper 45 degree oblique ankle image?
What is tibiofibular articulation open, distal tibia and fibula overlap some of the talus
No rotation is evident in the lateral heel projection with what criteria?
What is the tuberosity in profile, sinus tarsi open, calcaneocuboid and talonavicular joints open