This muscle of the anterior compartment is not present in all people
What is fibularis tertius
What are the branches of this "common" nerve that innervate muscles in the anterior and lateral leg
What are the superficial and deep fibular nerves
The gastrocnemius does this...
What is plantar flexion and knee flexion
This large vessel carrying deoxygenated blood is superficial in the lower leg and stems from the big toe
What is the great saphenous vein
This two-headed muscle's lateral head attaches to the lateral condyle of femur, while it's medial head attaches to the popliteal surface of femur, superior to medial condyle
What is the gastrocnemius
This muscle of the posterior compartment sometimes attaches to the Achille's tendon and sometimes has it's own tendon
What is plantaris
This nerve innervates the muscles of the lateral leg
What is the superficial fibular neve?
These two muscles both perform ankle Eversion and weak plantar flexion of ankle
What are fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
This artery is the main blood supply for the anterior compartment of the leg.
What is the anterior tibial artery
From the middle 1/2 of medial surface of fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane to the distal phalanx of the big toe...
It's origin is the lateral tibial condyle and upper 1/2 of tibial shaft and inserts on the medial cuniform and 1st metatarsal. Innervated by the deep fibular nerve and performs ankle dorsiflexion and foot inversion.
What is tibialis anterior
This nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior leg
What is the tibial nerve
This muscle has the important role of "unlocking the knee" via lateral rotation and knee flexion
What is the popliteus
The anterior and posterior tibial arteries are braches of this artery
What is the popliteal artery
From the lateral condyle of the tibia and proximal 3/4 of medial fibula to the dorsal aspect of both the middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5
What is extensor digitorum longus
This muscle innverated by thr tibial nerve flexes the great toe, weakly plantar flexes ankle, and supports medial longitudinal arch of foot
What is flexor hallucis longus
This nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior leg
What is the deep fibular nerve
The plantaris muscle does this...
What is knee flexion and weakly assisting the gastroc in plantar flexion
This branch of the anterior tibial artery can be palpated in the foot
What is dorsalis pedis
From the head of fibula and posterior superior ΒΌ of shaft, soleal line, and middle 1/3 of medial border of tibia to the posterior surface of calcaneus via the calcaneal (achilles) tendon...
What is the soleus
This muscle is innervated by the tibial nerve and inserts onto the distal phalanges of digits 2 -5
What is flexor digitorum longus
The tibial nerve & common fibular nerve are branches of this great nerve...
What is the sciatic nerve
This muscle plantar flexes ankle, inverts the foot, and supports the medial longitudinal arch of foot
What is tibialis posterior
The popliteal artery is a branch of this vessel in the upper leg
What is the femoral artery
From the posterior tibia, inferior to soleal line, posterior fibula, and interosseous membrane to the navicular tuberosity, all cuneiforms, cuboid, sustentaculum tali of calcaneus, and bases of 2,3,4 metatarsals
What is tibialis posterior