Amputation Types
Post-Op Management
Transfemoral Prothesis

This is the most common cause of lower limb amputation in patients > 50 years of age 

What is vascular disease -> DM?


This amputation resects up to three metatarsals

What is a Partial foot / Ray Resection?


Contracture of these muscles groups are common following a transfemoral amputation.

What are hip flexors and abductors? 


This type of socket is the standard used in transtibial prosthesis. 

What is a total contact patellar tendon bearing socket? 


This is the most common cause of lower limb amputation in children < 5 years of age. 

What is a congenital deformity?


This amputation is through the transmetatarsal junction. 

What is a Lisfranc amputation? 

Tinea, treat with topical -azoles or terbinafine. 


BKA sockets are aligned in this position to enhance loading of the patellar ligament, prevent genu recurvatum, and facilitate quadriceps contraction. 

What is slight flexion? 


This is the most common type of amputation of the lower limb. 

What is transtibial?


This amputation consists of an ankle disarticulation with attachment of the heel pad to the distal end of tibia. 

What is a Syme's amputation?


Nursing pages you that the patient is a recent amputee and has the sensation that his limb is still present but is not worried or painful and is requesting you start Lyrica, you advise for primary to evaluate tomorrow. 

What is phantom limb sensation? 


This knee unit provides the maximum stability during stand phase with the worst energy expenditure 

What is the manual locking knee unit? 


An ABI of less than this number necessitates referral to a vascular surgeon. 

What is an ABI of 0.9 or less?


This is why it is recommended to perform a transtibial at least 1 cm distal to the tibial tuberosity. 

What is loss of knee extension and increased risk of flexion contracture? 


Good morning, and hope you're having a good morning. Placement of ACE wraps this morning caused the patient to have pain and increased redness of his residual limb. 

What is Choke Syndrome? 


This knee unit operates best at a fixed cadence. 

What is a conventional, single-axis knee? 


The manner in which an ankle brachial index is obtained. 

What is the systolic brachial / the systolic posterior tibial?


Surgical utilization of these muscle groups via myodesis maintains the femur in an adducted position. 

What is adductors?


This type of residual limb shape is preferred in transtibial amputations. 

What is cylindrical? 


This is the standard prosthetic foot. 

What is solid ankle cushion heel (SACH)?