Aaron worked at this large retailer prior to coming to LPS
What is Target?
How much sales LPS in Raleigh did last year?
This person is the CEO of Lowe's
Who is Marvin Ellison?
This number represents the total number of injury incidents we have had in Raleigh this year
What is 1
This is a program you can use to learn new skills and trades through Lowe's.
The length of time Aaron has been with Lowe's
Almost two years?
99.6% YTD
What is our current on time delivery?
This person is the head of LPS, operations and sales
Who is Steffani Mclean?
This particular category of sales represents our in-unit delivery sales. These are typically denoted by a -002 account.
What are project support sales?
Where can you locate with board with names and numbers for our Department leads such as Safety, HR, and Operations
In the Lobby above the copier