Why does Noah not go to tullbury even though he got three passes?
Uncle William.
Why are Jolla and Noah friends?
They both work at the green dragon
Why might Mercy die?
Where did Noah take the British to get te almost stolen gunpowder?
The Boston neck.
where does Noah meet the captain?
Province House
how many sisters does Noah have?
Which sister is Noah closer to?
what are the names of Noah's sisters?
Mercy and Faith.
Why did Jolla come to live with Noah?
His house was Invaded by the British?
Why did Noah's dad die?
tar and feathering because he said "and always be loyal to the king."
Why did the British Navy attack Noah and Jolla?
They wanted them to join the British army.
What is Noah's mom's name?
Clemency cope.
Which side is Jolla on?
Neither, Just the one that gives him the "better deal".
What does the Green dragon become after the war?
A hospital.
What does Noah find weird about the ___ on the tower?
There are two lantern lights.