Google Ads
Paid Social

Name 2 different types of conversions for a lead gen site

contact forms and phone calls


What is considered a "premium" creative?

Gif or video

What is the monthly management for Amazon?



What is our publishing partner network?

They find publishing websites so that we can write articles on for backlinks. 


What CMS do we build our small business sites on?



What are the 3 components of quality score

ad relevance, expected ctr, and landing page experience


How do we strucuture FB accounts?

Campaigns by sales funnel: prospecting, mid funnel, remarketing, life time value


How do you set up a call with our amazon team? Explain the process thoroughly. 

Submit and Opp. Amazon then sends out an email to schedule the call and request for access to the account


What is a backlink?

Offsite article that refers a particular site. Helps improve the referred sites domain authority


What platform do we use for email marketing?


What is a search term report and how do we leverage that info?
Receipt from Google that tells us what online searches that a keyword triggered for. Leverage it for negative keyword sculpting

What are the two types of targeting for our prospecting campaigns?

interest based and look a like audiences


Name at least 3 qualifiers that make a good Amazon lead. 

-Make more than $3k a month in sales

-Brand registered 

-Currently running Ads


What is the main difference between our local seo campaigns and national seo campaigns. 

Local helps with optimizing google my business


What platform do we build our Advanced websites on? When would you recommend that site over a SMB site?

WordPress; Works with a UX/UI designer for a more custom build. Duda is strictly templated. Wordpress is also encouraged for websites that require unique plug ins


What is SKAGS and SPAGS? Why do we use this strategy?

Single Keyword Ad Groups and Single Product Ad groups


What is the FB Pixel? Why is it important?

A piece of code that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website


What is the boardable for a 6 months Amazon package?



Name 3 optimization points for onsite seo

Titles, headers, and meta descriptions


When would you link Google Analytics over Google Ads? What is the benefit of looking at Google analytics?

A site that is doing well but not seeing alot of sales through Google Ads. Also, if you conversation involved more than just google advertising. Analytics shows consumer behavior across all channels. Can identify where users are starting and where they end across multiple marketing sources


What is the difference between macro conversions vs micro conversions

Macro= main engagement your looking for on the site; sales, phone calls, contact forms

micro conversions= small engagements; time spent on page, pages visited, add to carts, cart abanders, ect


What is the main difference between PS vs Google? How can they complement eachother?

Paid Social heavily relies on creative Ad quality and brand building. Google targets more direct low funnel users. 

Google and FB can work together by Google brining in low funnel consumers and then FB assisting with targeted remarketing. 


What is our strategy for Amazon?

Automation campaign: Uses automated bids and discovers new search phrases to see what's converting. We leverage automated campaigns to make manual campaign builds more efficient. 

Manual campaign: We look over the search term report for the products in the automated campaign to see what search phrases are driving a strong ACOS (average cost of sale, lower the better). We then take that search phrase and put it into the manual campaign to have full control over the bid so that we can be more aggressive with search impression share (how frequently your ad shows). The goal is to show our Ads more frequently for more profitable search phrases. Automated campaigns hinder that ability. 

Explain the main difference between our onsite packages vs our seo campaigns

Onsite is a one time cost that cleans up the content on the site to ensure a keyword focus is established

SEO campaigns do both onsite content writing and offsite content writing. We put together a onsite blog strategy to correlate with the offsite articles we are writing for backlinks. 


What is Jacob's favorite song of all time?

welcome to the black parade by MCR