Decimals +/-
The Integers
Fraction Lives Matter
Word Problems
Decimals * and /

It is the first thing done when adding or subtracting decimals.

What is lining the decimals up?


Numbers to left of zero on the number line.

What are negative numbers?


A real number that can be written as a ratio of two integers.

What is a rational number?


The price per gallon Jayden paid for 8.5 gallons of gas at $26.52 for his truck. What was the price for each gallon of gas?

What is $3.12 per gallon?


It is the first thing done when multiplying decimals.

What is line up the digits?


The difference between 9.2 and 5.7

What is 3.5?


Two numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line.

What are opposites?


The amount left after Jessica bought 8/9 of a pound of chocolates and ate 1/3 of a pound.

What is 2/9 of a pound?


Susan has 3/4 of an hour left to make cards.  It takes her about 1/6 of an hour to make each card.  About how many cards can she make?

What is 4.5 cards?


The product of 12.3 and 6.11.

What is 75.153?


The sum of 10.48 and 15.28.

What is 25.76?


The distance from the top of Snow Peak, which is 15,237 feet above sea level to the bottom of Tree Valley, which is 368 feet below sea level.

What is 15,605 ft?


The distance Tyrone jogged after he ran twice around a track that is 3/5 of a mile long.

What is 6/5 of a mile?


The fraction of male sixth-graders that made honor roll at Mason School, when 2/3 of the students in the sixth grade are boys, and ¼ of them made the honor roll.  

What is 1/6?


It is the first step when using long division to divide decimals.

What is Move the decimal point in the divisor (the number outside the box) to the right to make it a whole number?


These are used to match the correct number of decimal places.

What are place holders?


The distance a number is from zero.

What is the absolute value?


The total amount of fabric Sandra bought after she purchased 2¾ yards of red fabric and 1¼ of blue.

What is 4 yards?


 The number of pizzas needed to buy if Mary wanted 18 students to get 1/4 of a pizza.  

What is 5 pizzas?


It is the quotient of 276.76 and 74.

What is 3.74?


The difference between 14.2 and 3.6794.

What is 10.5206?


The difference between -216 and 216.

What is 432?


The perimeter of an equilateral triangle that measures 3½ inches on one side.

What is 10.5 inches? 


The difference per pound between ham and turkey when Mrs. Wallace bought 0.75 pound of sliced turkey for $3.45 and 1.5 pounds of sliced ham for $6.60.

What is $0.20?


It is the quotient of 7168.48 and 11.

What is 651.68?