Main Idea
Story Elements
Benjamin Franklin was very interested in electricity. One day he tried a very dangerous experiment to prove that lightning was electricity. He attached a key to a kite string and flew the kite during a thunderstorm. When the lightning hit the kite, sparks flew from the key. Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electricity. What is the main idea of this passage? A) Benjamin Franklin loved thunderstorms. B) Benjamin Franklin was very interested in electricity. C) Benjamin Franklin was struck by lightning while flying a kite. D. Benjamin Franklin was scared of the dark.
What is B) Benjamin Franklin was very interested in electricity.
Carlos and Camille were almost done taking turns choosing players for their teams. It was Camille’s turn to choose, and only Carl was left. Camille said, “Come on Carl.” We can infer that a. Camille was pleased to have Carl on her team. b. Carl was the best player on either team. c. Camille was inconsiderate of Carl's feelings. d. Carl is not a very good player.
What is d. Carl is not a very good player.
What is the best definition of plot? A. turning point in the story B. main idea/conflict of the story C. sequence of related events D. most interesting point in the story
What is B. main idea/main events of the story
A sequence of events is _____. a. the order the events took place in b. the time and place the events occurred c. describing something using like or as d. that shiny, glittery stuff
What is a. the order the events took place in
Her quiet, TIMID ways made us guess at her true feelings about the story because she kept her ideas to herself and never spoke in the class. Use your context clues and pick the best synonym for TIMID. a. shy b. boisterous c. kind d. seriously
What is a. shy
Trousers are a recent style in the history of fashion. Men wore tights under short, loose pants until the early 1800s when the first real pants for men appeared. Until the 1940s few women wore long pants. During World War II, women factory workers started wearing long pants. The fashion caught on. What is the main idea of this passage? A. long pants are a somewhat new fashion B. when men stopped wearing pantaloons C. who wore tights D. why women don't wear trousers
What is A. long pants are a somewhat new fashion
“Jerry, as your boss, I must say that it’s been very interesting working with you,” Miss Morris said. “However, it seems that our company’s needs and your performance style are not well matched. Therefore, it makes me very sad to have to ask you to resign your position effective today.” What was Miss Morris telling Jerry? a. She would feel really bad if he decided to quit. b. He was being fired. c. He was getting a raise in pay. d. She really enjoyed having him in the office.
What is b. He was being fired.
What is the setting of a story? a. how the story takes place b. why the story takes place c. the people of the story d. where and when the story takes place
What is d. where and when the story takes place
What does a person need to do before shaping a wire hanger into a hoop? A. bend a handle on the hanger B. clean the hanger C. put a straw on the hanger D. wave the hanger
What is A. bend a handle on the hanger
Comparison of two things using like or as. A. Simile B. Hyperbole C. Metaphor D. Personification
What is A. Simile
Southern California is known for its tourist attractions and its theme parks. People come from all over the world to get a look at Hollywood, and such things as the "Walk of Fame" where many celebrities’ names are found on gold stars on Hollywood Boulevard. Tourists are also attracted to the area with hopes of catching sight of the movie stars who live in the hills surrounding Los Angeles. Many visitors come to shop in the glamorous shops on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Among the theme parks that attract visitors are Disneyland in Anaheim, Knott’s Berry Farm, Magic Mountain Amusement Park, and Raging Waters park. Folks who want to combine tourist attractions and theme parks can visit Universal Studios which offers both. Where is the main idea of this passage located? A) in the first sentence B) in the last sentence C) in the middle of the paragraph D) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)
What is A) in the first sentence
Leprechauns also have magic powers. If a leprechaun is captured by a human, then it will grant the human three wishes. By granting the three wishes, the leprechaun gets the human to agree to let it go. Humans must wish carefully since leprechauns are known for being tricky. Leprechauns are real. True or False?
What is False
What is the greatest point of interest/suspense in the story? a. theme b. conflict c. plot d. climax
What is d. climax
A student makes this list of steps after reading the passage. 1. Find string and two straws. 2. Tie string together. 3. Push one end of string through both straws. 4. Cut two feet of string. The steps are out of order. What is the best order for the steps? A. 2, 3, 1, 4 B. 1, 4, 3, 2 C. 2, 3, 4, 1 D. 1, 4, 2, 3
What is B. 1, 4, 3, 2
The relationship between the narrator and the story (who is telling the story). a. Point of View b. Allusion c. Inference d. Theme
What is a. point of view
Making a study schedule is one important step in becoming a successful student in college. Students should schedule one hour of study time for every one hour of class time. At exam time, more study time may be necessary. Also, students must study in an appropriate place. It is important to study in a quiet place away from the distraction of other people and such things as the television and the radio. Students should find a comfortable place with plenty of space for all the necessary study supplies. Then, students need to study the information in small amounts. It is a good idea to learn the required concepts slowly and thoroughly instead of trying to learn everything on the evening before the exam. Students who want to be successful in college should remember these three helpful study strategies. Where is the main idea located? A) in the first sentence B) in the last sentence C) in the middle of the paragraph D) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)
What is B) in the last sentence
In Irish Legend, leprechauns are fairies. They take the form of old men wearing little green coats. Leprechauns like to get into a lot of MISCHIEF, or play tricks. When they're not making MISCHIEF, leprechauns spend their time making shoes. They take the money they earn from making shoes and hide it in a pot of gold which is hidden at the end of a rainbow. What is the meaning of MISCHIEF in the passage? A. lying and getting into trouble B. angry outbursts and emotions C. silly and happy actions D. playful misbehavior or trickery
What is D. playful misbehavior or trickery
The correct order of the plot diagram is . . . A. Rising action, opening, climax, falling action, resolution/ending B. Opening, climax, rising action, falling action, resolution/ending C. Opening, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution/ending D. Opening, resolution/ending, falling action, rising action, climax
What is C. Opening, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution/ending
Put a smooth, clean, iron frying pan on the fire to heat; meanwhile, beat four eggs very light, the whites to a stiff froth and the yolks to a thick batter. Add to the yolks four tablespoonfuls of milk, pepper and salt; and, lastly, stir in the whites lightly. Put a piece of butter nearly half the size of an egg into the heated pan; turn it so that it will moisten the entire bottom, taking care that it does not scorch. Just as it begins to boil, pour in the eggs. Hold the frying pan handle in your left hand, and, as the eggs whiten, carefully, with a spoon, draw up lightly from the bottom, letting the raw part run out on the pan, till all be equally cooked; shake with your left hand, till the omelet be free from the pan, then turn with a spoon one half of the omelet over the other; let it remain a moment, but continue shaking, lest it adhere; toss to a warm platter held in the right hand, or lift with a flat, broad shovel; the omelet will be firm around the edge, but creamy and light inside. What do you do first? A. Beat four eggs B. Add butter to the frying pan C. Put a frying pan on the fire D. Shake the pan
What is C. Put a frying pan on the fire
Secretly is to openly as silently is to a. scarcely b. impolitely c. noisily d. quietly
What is c. noisily
Despite the hatred that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways. For example, they are perfect experimental animals and are used for scientific research in the laboratory. Breeding them is easy, for they thrive under almost any conditions. In studies on nutrition and food, cockroaches are good subjects because they will eat any kind of food. They can be used to study heart disease, and cancer researchers work with roaches because they grow cancerous tumors like those that are found in humans. Where is the main idea located? A) in the first sentence B) in the last sentence C) in the middle of the paragraph D) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)
What is A) in the first sentence
Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important voice of the American civil rights movement, which worked for equal rights for all. He was famous for using nonviolent resistance to overcome injustice, and did all he could to make people realize that "all men are created equal." Because of his great work, in 1964 King received the Nobel Peace Prize -- the youngest person ever to receive this high honor. King was also a Baptist minister. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, when he was just 39 years old. His birthday is now observed as a national holiday on the third Monday in January. What was MOST notable about Martin Luther King being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? A. He won the award for promoting peace. B. He was an African-American. C. He was the youngest person to win the award. D. He wasn't the only one who deserved it.
What is C. He was the youngest person to win the award.
What is the theme of the text? a. the main lesson/real world connection by the author b. the main idea/main events of the text c. the genre the author has selected d. the main character of the story
What is a. the main lesson/real world connection by the author
Mr. Granger is a nice man. He is our next door neighbor. He wasn't feeling well and went to see Dr. Allen. Dr. Allen gave Mr. Granger a check up and told him he needed to eat more fruits and vegetables and start to exercise every day. Mr. Granger wanted to feel better. First, he started eating a grapefruit every morning for breakfast. He walked two miles with Mrs. Granger every morning after breakfast. He would help Mrs. Granger work in the yard for two hours after their walk. They would eat a salad for lunch and then Mr. Granger would ride his bike to the gym to exercise each afternoon for an hour. Mr. Granger would go straight home and take a nap after an hour at the gym. PLACE THE EVENTS IN THE CORRECT SEQUENCE BY USING THE NUMBERS 1-8: ___ Mr. Granger ate salad for lunch. ___ Mr. Granger walked two miles with Mrs. Granger. ___ Mr. Granger exercised a the gym for an hour. ___ Mr. Granger took a nap. ___ Mr. Granger went to see Dr. Allen ___ Mr. Granger worked in the yard with Mrs. Granger. ___ Mr. Granger ate a grapefruit for breakfast. ___ Mr. Granger rode his bike to the gym
What is 5, 3, 7, 8, 1, 4, 2, 6
The character who opposes the main character, or protagonist, is called the __________. A. Notagonist B. Antagonist C. bad guy D. problem
What is B. Antagonist