The Origin Story
Making an omelette without eggs
The Faces Behind the Emails
Who Does What?
A Day in the Life at LRDG

In 2002, almost as old as some of our account managers :)

What year was LRDG founded?


"A learner barked at me in a session today."

What is a real complaint we received in TED?


She's not just a face behind the emails; if you come to the office, you'll definitely see her (or hear her) in her ~new~ office.

Who is Adeline Rochat?


In the Office, Michael hated this department at Dunder Mifflin. But we're lucky to have a plant queen and dungeon master in ours

What is the HR department?


1407 Rue Saint-Alexandre, close to Sexe Appeal.

What is LRDG's HQ address? // Where is LRDG located?


Jason Frohlich and Jeremy Frohlich. (also known as Little J(s)!)

What are Julius' sons names? // Who are Julius' children?

"While I was on vacation in Mexico, the portal must have updated. Why wasn't I notified?"

What is a real complaint from the operations department?


Not the oldest in age, but they are the oldest employee.

Who is Lorger Geronimo?


They don't just have an office; they have their own cave

What is the accounting department?


Welch's, yogurts, and rotting bananas.

What are the most common snacks in the office?


The name of the content, used to be on CDs. 

What is pour l'amour du francais / for the love of English?


"I nearly passed EOM with a mark of 80.5%, so within 10 percent of the passing mark. I am requesting that I be allowed to pass and continue working on my shortcomings while not holding back my coworker. (…) In addition to LRDG training, I have consistently put in French language effort to the DuoLingo app. ( I am on a 619-day unbroken streak of learning with nearly 55,000 XP (or experience points)."

What is a real email we received in PEDS? 


If I wasn't in the race, they would win the award for the cutest dog!

Who is Claudia Thibault-Lebreux?


ummmm... everything.

What does the Operations department do?


She fancifies the toilet paper, or I should say papel higiénico?

Who is Wendy, the custodian?


20 years after the country was founded.

When did LRDG get the RFSO?


Hi, my employee got placed in Module 6. Can we get a course plan for a C in three months?

What is a typical question in the sales department? 


Literally nothing gets past her.
Whether it's an email from a learner (not one of hers) asking for a schedule change, throwing her gang under the bus when it comes to gold (ifykyk), or asking for a specific snack, she will get what she wants!

Who is Mahoor Ramzirezaei?


Half of their employees live outside of Montreal - which is maybe why it's hard to get a hold of them...

What is the sales department?

The software we use, otherwise known as Jenilyn's, Steven's, and Marieke's baby.

What is Techninov?


An Israeli cowboy, a cab driver, and at Intel for 30 years.

What were some of Julius' previous jobs?


Hi, can you do my taxes for me?

What is a real question received by the accounting department?


She's LRDG's ultimate hype girl. Had a bad day? She can make your day better with a cheesy quote, an inappropriate joke, or with a cocktail

Who is Ghazal Zamani?


Merriam Webster's describes it as: : the art, science, or profession of teaching.

What does pedagogy mean? // What is the definition of pedagogy?

Now you know. :) 


Reading the...sometimes...cheesy motivational quotes.

What is Leyla's job in Monday's scrums?