We admitted we were powerless over our addiction – that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step 1
This coping skill can offer you a guided means of reducing or stopping drug use. You can also meet other people in recovery, who can become a part of your sober network.
Attend a support group meeting.
To maintain your sobriety, you need to be able to recognize and identify these
Those suffering from addiction often have one or more medical issues that occur as well. True or False?
Name 3 specific areas of the body that can be affected by drug use
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Step 4
Due to the endorphins released, this coping skill is a great way to relieve anxiety, stresses, and feelings of depression. It also helps rid the chemicals and toxins that were put into your body from drug abuse.
Physical Activity
What 3 things should you avoid to help prevent relapse?
Risky people, places, and things
True or False: A relapse prevention plan should not be revised and re-evaluated
False. A relapse prevention plan should be continually looked at and re-evaluated to ensure that it fits current feelings, situations, etc.
Refusing to admit the truth about addiction and its consequences to ourselves.
Made direct amends to people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
Step 9
This coping skill can help you work through difficult thoughts and emotions. It can allow you to focus on the present moment, to observe your internal experiences, and to accept them without judgment or negativity.
Mindfulness & Meditation
You should "H.A.L.T." when you feel triggered, and check for these feelings.
Hunger, anger, loneliness, and tiredness
The key to relapse prevention is to understand that it happens gradually
Five possible PAWS symptoms are...
irritability; stress sensitivity; fatigue; paranoia; difficulty concentrating; tremors; sleep issues; memory problems...
Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Step 5
This is one of the most important and empowering coping skills you can have. As you work through your struggles, remember others who are struggling. Remember who supports you, remember what makes you feel happy.
The Three Stages of Relapse
Emotional, Mental, & Physical
Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1939.
the symptoms experienced after detoxification that relate to the "bodily healing" from substance abuse
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome or (PAWS)
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Step 11
Name 5 unhealthy coping skills.
- Gambling
- Eating too much
- Taking medications not prescribed to you
- Not eating enough
- Avoiding the problem
- Using drugs and/or alcohol
A reluctance in connecting with your support system or reaching out for help.
Wisconsin has the highest rate of binge drinking in the United States.
using another hobby, substance, or activity to replace or substitute feelings/results that you used to get from using
cross addiction