What is the difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate
vertebrate: backbone
invertebrate: no backbone
no guts, pores bring in water and nutrients and flow out waste
What are the three types of fish
- cartilaginous
- bony
- jawless
What kind skeleton does a worm have?
hydrostatic: fluid pressure
An animal that controls its own body temperature is called an..
invertebrate Animals that have spiky skin are in the group _______? give an example
sea urchin
a frog is an example of an __________.
How do squids move?
jet propulsion
What is it called when an animal has its main sensory organs in one portion of the body
head, cephalization
invertebrates animals that have stinging cells are in what group, give an example
- cnidarians
- jellyfish
What are two differences between alligators and crocodiles?
alligators have rounded snouts
crocodiles have teeth visible when mouths are closed
what is the purpose of the nervous system
- to take information from the outside world and create appropriate responses
A butterfly has what kind of symmetry
- bilateral
What are the three types of mollusks, give examples
gastropods: snails
cephalopods: octopus
bivalves: clams
mammals are organized based on how they ____________.
reproduce/ mature infants
What is the difference between an exoskeleton and endoskeleton
exoskeleton is a hard outer covering
endoskeleton is an inside bone structure
What are the four requirements to be an animal
-eukaryotic cells
- consumers
- tissues and cells
- movement
What are the three types of arthropods are called what, give examples
crustaceans: lobster
insects: fly
chelicerates: spiders
list the three types of mammals and give examples of each
- egg laying: platypus
- marsupial: kangaroo
- placental: cows, dogs, humans
What kind of nervous system does a jellyfish have
nerve net: no brain