5th Graders Name Meanings
Mmm Food
Comic Book Alliterative Names
Musical Instruments

This name is of German origin combing the root words "wald" and "hari" which roughly translates to "commander of the army"

What is Walter?


When looking at a Chicago Style pizza, you may think this essential ingredient is missing but it is there... it's just under the sauce.

What is cheese?


This Fantastic Four villain is named after his chromatic exterior and the way he travels on a board. He'd fit in in Hawaii. 

Who is the Silver Surfer?


This wind instrument is also the name of a character in Dragonball.

What is a piccolo?


3, 7, 11, and 31 all are odd but they are also this type of number.

What is prime?


This name traces back to it's root in Latin where it means "faith" and "truth"

What is Vera?


In Star Wars this common drink has a peculiar blue color. It's drank by Luke Skywalker in Episode 8.

What is milk?


Spider-Man's secret identity.

Who is Peter Parker?


This instrument takes on multiple forms, sometimes it has 4 strings and sometimes it stands upright but it always is essential for establishing the groove of a tune.

What is the bass?


In a study by Alex Bellos, she determinded that this lucky number was the most popular number.

What is seven (7)?


This name has a Greek origin and means "solitude"

What is Solea?


These small fruits can vary in color and the branches of their trees can symbolize a peace offering.

What are olives?


Her name is the title of a song where the singer Kacey Musgraves says she's not this superhero "she's not gonna lasso the love out of you"

Who is Wonder Woman?

If you ever had to learn to the play the recorder you know this tune. "One a penny two a penny..."

What is Hot Cross Buns?


This is the only number that can not be represented in Roman Numerals.

What is 0?


This name is Japanese and means "healthy" and "strong"

What is Kenta?

When cooking pasta the typical desired texture is this two word Italian phrase which means "to the tooth"

What is al dente?


This group of crimefighters hang out in a tower that is shaped like the first letter of their alliterative group name that shows the audience they aren't kids but aren't really adults yet either.

Who are the Teen Titans?

This stringed instrument might kind of look like a guitar and it rhymes with it too, but they are different. It originates from India where it flourished in the 18th century.

What is a sitar?


This number is the only one that has as many letters in it's word form as it does in its actual value.

What is four (4)?


Another German name, it means "gentle strength"

What is Millie?


Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs is a famous book with a movie adaptation. The movie's sequel is called Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 but the book's sequel has a different title that includes a snack going to this city that houses teams like the Steelers and Penguins.

What is Pickles to Pittsburgh?


Johnny Storm, Sue Storm, Reed Richards and The Thing all comprise this sQuad who are getting a new movie adaptation in a couple years.

Who are the Fantastic Four?


A typical piano has 88 keys and this many of them are white. (If guess falls into 3 above or 3 below it still counts)

What is 36?


John Stanford International School has been an institution since 1891. However the building we are in today wasn't established until this year (correct guess must be within 10 years)

What is 1906?