This type of question asks you to identify what must be true given a set of facts
What is an inference question?
This passage structure presents two opposing viewpoints and evaluates their merits.
What is a comparative passage?
The LSAT is administered by this organization
What is the Law School Admission Council (LSAC)
“Everyone in my law class agrees that this professor is the best, so it must be true“
What is an appeal to popularity
This standardized test is required for most US law schools
What is the LSAT
This fallacy occurs when an argument assumes the truth of the conclusion it is trying to prove
What is circular reasoning?
LSAT reading passages often focus on these four genera; topics
What are law, science, histor and the arts
The LSAT consists of this many scored multiple choice sections
What is four sections
“If we allow students to use scrap paper on the LSAT, next they will be allowed to bring full notes, and then they will just take the test with a professor helping them“
What is a slippery slope argument
Along with GPA and LSAT scores, law schools heavily consider these written statements in applications
What is the personal statement
This type of question asks you to choose the answer that, if true, strengthens the argument
What is a strengthen question?
This type of question asks you to identify the main point of a passage.
What is a main idea question
The LSAT writing sample is now completed in this format
What is online
What is a false cause fallacy
The application service, ran by LSAC, complies and submits you law school application materials
What is the Credential Assembly Service (CAS)
”All doctors are smart. Some smart people are artists. Therefore, some doctors are artists.“This is an example of what flawed reasoning.
What is an illicit conversion?
If a question asks what the author “most likely agrees with”, its testing your ability to make this kind of inference
What is an authors perspective or tone
A perfect LSAT score is this number
What is 180
“The LSAT is a great test because its the best measure of a students ability to succeed in law school”
What is begging the question (circular reasoning)
Most law schools require 2-3 of these from professors or professionals who can speak to your academic abilities
What are letter of recommendation
This question type asks you to choose an answer that makes the argument more logically valid by filling a gap in reasoning
What is necessary assumption question
The hardest reading comp questions often ask you to compare two passages and analyze their relationship between them
What is their structure, tone or logical connection
The LSAT was originally designed to replace this kind of test in law school admissions
What is a GPA-based entrance exam
“My friend didn’t study for the lsat and scored a 175, so you dont need to study either”
What is a hasty generalization
In addition to lcademics, law schools value this category of experiences, including iternships, leadership roles and volunteer work
What are extracurricular activities