One of the more popular winter squash varieties, this squash is available year-round with a peak season in the winter and fall. They have a light beige skin that’s slightly orange. The flesh, on the other hand, is a deep orange.
What is butternut squash?
The 2018 All-Hands meeting was hosted at what Georgetown restaurant in Washington DC.
What is Sequoia?
Spiders have 8 legs and 8 ___.
What are eyes?
At 12:30 pm every Wednesday, this virtual event takes place.
What is LSI Commonspace?
The type of trees that acorns fall from.
What are Oak trees?
Known for its noodle-like internal consistency.
What is spaghetti squash?
Employees received a large box as part of the 2020 All-Hands meeting containing many items including ___.
What is...(any one of these)
a Hand clapper, Values cards, popcorn, mocktail, exercise shirt, dino fossil, party hat, another box, confetti, METCOR tags?
Vampire bats are found on this continent.
What is South America?
Presentation topics at this event have included:
Work From Home Hacks, Change Management, Customer Engagement, and Creating a Brand Style Guide.
What is a Lunch and Learn?
On this day, the number of hours of daylight and darkness are equal.
What is the Autumn Equinox?
A winter squash with distinctive longitudinal ridges on its exterior and sweet, yellow-orange flesh inside.
What is an acorn squash?
This office was the location of the tropical-themed 2017 All-Hands meeting.
What is the I St office?
This monochrome 3D monster horror flick, shot in 1954, had a creature that was played by a man and shot entirely underwater.
What is Creature from the Black Lagoon?
You are allotted 2 hours a week to contribute time to this type of company group.
What is a Community of Practice?
In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated during this month.
What is October?
A variety of winter squash with cream-colored cylindrical fruits striped in green or orange. Known for having a delicate rind.
What is a delicata squash?
This technology was used to create the virtual room where an epic scavenger hunt took place as part of the 2020 All-Hands meeting.
What is xAPI?
The deadliest creature in the world.
What is a mosquito?
If you are a participant in the Walking Challenge, you are also a member of this Teams page.
What is Sole Mates?
Before calling it "Fall" or "Autumn," this season was referred to as this.
What is Harvest?
This yellow squash looks like a mini spaceship.
What is patty pan squash?
This gift was given to employees at the 2019 40th anniversary party at the wharf in DC.
What is a laptop bag OR what is a half zip?
A group of crows.
What is a murder?
In the days of in-person work, folks would briefly meet for half an hour during the day to socialize and enjoy a certain beverage.
What is teatime?
Use of the word "fall" dates back to the 1500's when it's thought to originate from the phrase "the fall of the leaf", which describes an attribute of this class of tree.
What is deciduous?