Motivation, Goal Setting, & Time Management
Learning Styles & Personality
Academic Reading & Note Taking
Memory & Lecture Comprehension
Study Skills and Exam Prep

The difference between quantitative and qualitative goals.

What is quantitative is a specific measurement (letter grade/number) and qualitative is descriptive.


The goal of performing well on a test is this type of learning style process.

What is agentic/shallow processing.


When you aren't going to read the entire textbook chapter, use this specific academic reading strategy.

What is skimming.


The first step in the memory process.

What is encoding.


Three of the many study skill and exam prep strategies.

What are ... (too many to list - refer to chapter 4 and 6).


Provide two examples of intrinsic motivators and two examples of extrinsic motivators.

Intrinsic: sense of achievement, curiosity, pride, interest, etc. Extrinsic: money, grades, career, praise, exams, etc.


The goal of deep understanding and long-term retention is this type of learning style process.

What is reflective/deep processing.


Three indicators to help you identify key information while reading.

What are words in bold, italics, underlined, specific numbers, transition words, information found in the sidebar, lists, acronyms, titles/section headers, etc.


The second and third steps in the memory process.

What is storage and retrieval.


Around this many minutes is a good amount of time to try working on something you don't particularly like.

What is 10 minutes.


Three specific types of schedules to help you with time management.

What are semester schedules, weekly schedules, and daily schedules (to-do lists).


Four specific types of learning styles on the VARK assessment.

What are visual, aural, read/write, & kinesthetic.


The specific note taking method for textbooks and what it stands for. (Hint: chapter 3)

What is the S4R method: survey, read, write, recall, and review.


The three types of memory.

What are sensory, short-term, and long-term.


Establishing a specific study area helps you do this.

What is get in the right mindset to study/focus on schoolwork.


The performance formula.

What is performance = ability x motivation x resources


Of the big 5 personalities, this one is the strongest indicator of academic performance.

What is conscientiousness.


The specific note taking method for lectures and what it stands for. (Hint: chapter 3)

What is the 4R method: record, reduce, recall, and review.


Two types of information a lecturer may expect you to add on your own.

What are knowledge of a particular subject and knowledge of experience of the world.


After making a study checklist, you should make this to expand on the information.

What is a summary sheet.


The five needs of Maslow's Hierarchy (in correct order).

What are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. (bottom-up)


The big 5 personalities.

What are conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and agreeableness.


The 4 variables to consider when learning how to read more successfully.

What are the reader, text, strategies, and goal.


Two of the four things needed to understand lectures.

What are be aware of the parts of language that carry meaning, add information the lecturer expects you to add, predict as you listen, and evaluate as you're listening.


The first 3 steps in preparing for exams.

What is learning the exam format, topics, and weighting with regards to your final grade.