If I have a question about my position, I would check in with these type of staff members at LSS
Regardless of the type of session, all LSS tutoring Sessions are this many hours
1 hour
This resource is considered a tool to support me as I prepare for my tutoring sessions
Prep Sheet Template
Weekly logistics is allotted each week, comprising of this many minutes
15 minutes/0.25 hour
"Catch up, keep up, and THIS" is the LSS catch phrase
This is the platform where tutors ask staff and other tutors questions, often giving a faster response time compared to email
This type of session requires sign ups from students in order to be hosted by the tutor; if no students are signed up, the session is not hosted.
small group sessions
This position receives three hours of preparation time (outside of lecture time) in order to create varied types of sessions throughout the week
SI Leader
Scenario: I held a large group session, but no one showed up after 15 minutes of waiting. I wanted to receive an hour's pay for the session that could have happened, so I spent the remaining 45 minutes doing this.
A No-Show Activity
LSS Tutoring programs are certified nationally by this program, providing "Level 1" accreditation to all tutors who work with LSS and pass STEV-96
CRLA - College Reading and Learning Association
The duration of time that a tutoring appointment lasts
one quarter
this type of group session is held regardless of student sign ups; in fact, students do not have to sign up at all to attend!
large group sessions
large group tutors, and other tutors who attend lectures, must turn in this at the end of each week, alongside preparation sheets
lecture notes
This type of logistics is used for taking attendance and setting up/breaking down and cleaning a tutoring space after a session
session logistics
One of LSS' main values is this in higher education, which works to support groups of students who do not or have not had access to educational resources in the same way as traditional students
This is the 2-Unit pedagogy course that is required to be taken in your first quarter with LSS
Stevenson 96
All student attendance to sessions is tracked on this platform
Tutor Hub
Preparation sheets are due on Canvas by this day and time each week
Fridays at 11:59PM
If I miss a pay period, I must submit one of these in order to get those hours on my next paycheck
amended timesheet
LSS Sessions are designed to be active, collaborative, and engaging in order to avoid this popular -- yet, less effective -- mode of teaching
If I go over time in a session, do not meeting with a coordiantor during timesheet Friday, or do not follow my work policies, I may receive one of these
This type of lss program is for general concepts in math and writing and consists of short drop-in sessions for individual students
Study Hall
This position's prep time is split: 1 hour for reviewing content and the other hour is alloted for facilitation planning, once students sign up
small group
Timesheet packets are comprised of the following items: cruzpay hours, lss summary spreadsheet, no-show activities, and this.
tutor hub attendance
Professional Conduct at LSS means respecting your role as a UCSC student leader, respecting shared spaces, and showing up authentically. Professional conduct at LSS does NOT equal this mainstream construct that has historically framed professionalism in the workspace