Early Greeks
The Trojan War
What was the name of the earliest civilization in Greece, on the island of Crete?
What are the Minoans
He was the blind poet who wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey
Who is Homer
Spartan slaves were called _______, the original inhabitants of the land who were conquered and enslaved by the Spartans.
What are helots
True or False: The geography of Athens encouraged trade with other regions.
What age would Spartan children enter the agoge?
What is seven
Pleasing the gods was important in Greek life. Showing strength and bravery in athletic contests was one way to do this. The most important contests were these games, held ever four years in honor of Zeus.
What are the Olympic Games
The Iliad is about the Trojan War, but it is also about the education of this man
Who is Achilles
These people were treated better in Sparta than in Athens or most other Greek city-states
Who are women
True or False: Before Athens was a democracy it was an aristocracy. An aristocracy is a government run by only one person.
What is False
How many archons would there be at a time in Athens?
What is nine?
What was the name of the second major Greek civilization, that conquered the first Greek civilization?
Who are the Myceneans?
This man was chosen by Zeus to decide who would win the Golden Apple
Who is Paris
In Sparta they killed mostly ______ babies that did not live up to the Spartan ideal of physical perfection.
What is male
The Athenians had this type of democracy, which meant that every citizen got to have a say on all issues.
What is direct
Compare and contrast what society values in Athens and Sparta.
Contrast: Athens society values education, philosophy, arts, literature, democracy, and athletics. Sparta values honor, courage, military perfection, self-sacrifice to serve Sparta. Compare: They both value a strong military. Athens has a very strong navy, they have hopelite soldiers that use the phalanx. Sparta is just better, way better, and they only have infantry soldiers.
What is the term for a city-state in Ancient Greece?
What is a Polis
Name the two things that the three goddesses argued over at the start of the Trojan War story
What is who is the most beautiful and the golden apple
This is the term for the brutal military training of Spartan children, literally meaning "rearing"
What is agoge
The Athenian leader __________ became an archon in 594 BC. He settled disputes between creditors and debtors and got rid of debt slavery.
Who is Solon
This is the study of public speaking and debate.
What is rhetoric.
What is the ancient Greek term for a marketplace?
What is an agora
The climax of the Iliad was a battle between
Who are Achilles and Hector
He was the Spartan leader who is credited with coming up with the Spartan constitution and way of life.
Who is Lycurgus
This man wrote Athens' first law code in 621BC. His laws were so harsh we still use his name when we talk about harsh laws or strict rules.
Who is Draco
Compare the role of the "P" word for Sparta vs. Athens in shaping their societies.
Sparta: Phalanx represents the well protected and closed-in society of Sparta. Sparta doesn't allow outsiders to influence their society. Everyone has a purpose, just like in the Phalanx, and everyone must be perfect (no weak or sick). Athens: The long PROCESS of Athens to become a direct democracy. Athens starts as an aristocracy (rule by nobles), then run by tyrants who have support of the people, eventually to a democracy.