This psychologist focused on cognitive development, outlining how children's thinking evolves through four stages.
Who is Jean Piaget?
Who is psychologist is known for his experiments with dogs, demonstrating classical conditioning through associations between stimuli.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
According to Rodgers what is the one basic motive of humans?
What is to self-actualize?
What are the four quadrants of the Circle of Courage?
What is Belonging, Mastery, Generosity, Independence?
What are the four core personality preferences described by Myers-Briggs?
What is extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, judgement/perception?
Erik Erikson’s theory focuses on these types of development across a lifespan
What is psychosocial development?
Which theory supports a primary focus on developing a sequenced and uniform curriculum to prepare students for the job market?
Who is Bagley.
For Rogers, teachers come alongside students on their journey towards self-actualization by functioning as what instead of task-masters?
Who are Facilitators?
This concept, often associated with Dwayne Donald emphasizes learning from both Indigenous and Western perspectives to create a more holistic understanding.
What is Two-Eyed Seeing?
Goleman’s emotional intelligence theory suggests that this ability, crucial for motivation, allows students to persist through setbacks.
What is self-regulation (or resilience)?
Motor, Adaptive (cognitive), language and personal-social behaviour
Arnold Gesell
What are Thorndike’s three laws of learning?
What is readiness, exercise, and effect.
Who believed in the following Planes of Development: a) "Help me do for myself", b) "Help me think for myself", c) Help me know myself"
Who is Maria Montessori?
Indigenous learning theories seek to pass on cultural values, connection to the land, and real life experiences because each of these forms of knowledge are considered not only useful but ...
What is Sacred?
Adapting responses to students based on their Meyers-Briggs personality type is a way of applying the theories of this important theorist in the classroom setting.
Who is Carl Jung?
What is the third stage of Erikson's Psychosocial stages of development?
What is 3-5 years of age, initiative vs. guilt
According to Watson, the stimulus and response process of habit formation requires these two factors in order to actually be effective:
What is Frequency and recency.
What is the difference between Reggio and Montessori learning?
What is Montessori is independent self-directed learning while Reggio is collaborative project-based learning?
Hanson and Archibald emphasize this kind of learning, where students learn from land-based experiences.
What is experiential learning?
This theorist views intelligence as ‘the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting’
Who is Gardner?
Erikson and Piaget both structure human development in terms of stages, but where Erikson focuses on a progression of psychosocial crises, Piaget structures development in terms of a process of knowledge-building _________
This psychologist conducted the controversial "Little Albert" experiment, demonstrating that emotions like fear could be conditioned.
Who is John Watson?
Maslow’s heirarchy of needs is like which other self-actualization theory?
What is Blackfoot Nation?
There are 6 dialects of a certain group of people that use stories to share the knowledge of the world. There language is very descriptive and use less words than Western Languages. Who are these people?
What is Inuit?
What are three of the multiple intelligences described by Gardner?
What is musical, logical/mathematical, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, intrapersonal and linguistic?