What is a "triumvirate"?
What is
A Triumvirate is the rule of three men
Who made up the Second Triumvirate?
What is
Second Triumvirate was made up of Octavian, Marc Antony, Marcus Lepidus.
What was the Principate?
What is
The Principate was the form of government established by Augustus to rule the empire.
Who was the head of government in the principate?
What is
The two governing authorities in the principate were the princeps/emperor and the Senate. The head of government in the principate was the emperor.
What was the Senate of Rome?
What is
The Senate was the body of elected aristocrats or patricians who governed Rome.
Name the "good emperors"
What is
Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius, Vespasian, Titus, Nerba, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Severus, Diocletian
Name the "bad" emperors.
What is
Caligula, Nero, Domitian, Commodus
What were some of the signs that the Roman Empire was breaking apart?
What is
A civil war between generals, invasions from barbarians in the north and the Persians in the East, plague, imperial money lost its value, and high taxes and prices that hurt the common people.
What role did the Senate play in Augustus Caesar's principate?
What is
n the principate, the Senate was supposed to advise the emperor and consent to laws. It was supposed to be co-ruler of the empire. In reality, the Senate simply did the emperor's bidding. The emperor was the sole power in the empire.
Name two benefits the Roman Empire brought to the Mediterranean world?
What is
1. Citizenship in the Roman state
2. A uniform legal system for all the imperial lands
3. Economic prosperity
What role did officials in the bureaucracy play in governing the empire during Augustus' reign?
What is...
The role of the bureaucracy was to carry on the day-to-day governance of the empire's vast territories.
What was the Pax Romana?
The Pax Romana was the long period of peace Augustus brought to the Mediterranean world.
Under which emperor was Jesus Christ crucified?
What is
Jesus was crucified under the emperor Tiberius.
Why did Emperor Nero persecute the Christians?
What is
Nero persecuted the Christians because he needed to find a scapegoat on which to blame the Great Fire that destroyed Rome.
List three evils that afflicted the Roman Empire after the time of Septimius Severus and his sons.
What is
1. Wars waged between generals seeking to seize the imperial throne for themselves.
2. Attacks by German barbarians in the north.
3. Attacks by the Persians in the East.
4. Plague.
5. Debased currency.
6. Higher prices for goods.
High taxes.
How did Diocletian change the government of the empire?
Diocletian brought an end to the principate. He divided the empire into eastern and western parts, each part ruled by an emperor, called an Augustus. Each Augustus had a "Caesar" as an assistant.
Why was Diocletian unsuccessful in reforming the empire?
Diocletian could not ease the hardships suffered by the poor. Though he strengthened the army, life in the empire only became harder because of the taxes and other burdens he placed on the citizens to support the army.
Describe that Diocletian did to reform the government of the empire.
What is...
Diocletian divided the empire into eastern and western halves. Each part of the empire had its own emperor, called an "Augustus," who was assisted by a "Caesar." Diocletian increased the number of provinces from 50 to 100 so that no one of them could cause serious trouble for the emperor.
Why do we call the emperors from Trajan to Marcus Aurelius the "Good Emperors"?
What is
We call these emperors the "Good Emperors" because they brought the Roman Empire to its height of power, prosperity, and glory.
Did the emperor and Senate actually share power in the Roman government?
What is
In reality, the Senate simply did the emperor's bidding. The emperor was the sole power in the empire.