This individual found Lucasville
Who is John Lucas
These are the school colors
What is purple and gold
Middle name of Livvie Holcomb
What are the 4 fast food establishments in Lucasville? Must name all 4 within 20 seconds
The color of car that Meredith Glaze drives
Tan or beige
The main highway that runs through Lucasville
What is Route 23
The current high school principal
Who is Aaron Franke
Name of a singer who resides on Linda Ave
Who is Todd Hehl
The last business owner that was in the current building of Sarah's Cafe
Who is Debbie Neal
The make of car that Nolan Crabtree drives
The year was Lucasville founded
What is 1819
The year were the current high school and elementary completed
What is 2000
The name of Brian Richards wife
Who is Vikki Richard
The restaurant that closed before Sonoras went in
What is Ruby's Diner
What is a Ford
The current Lucasville's Bicentennial Queen
Who is Katie Wood
The current Board of Education President
Who is Phil Shepard
The real first name of Tilly Leadingham
The restaurant that closed that was located next to Speedway on US 23, served milkshakes
What is Happy Day's
The model of the car that Pat Munn drives
What is a Camry
The President of the Lucasville Historical Society
Who is Lisa Spriggs
The longest tenured Board Member in history of this school district
Carl Crabtree
The current board of trustees. Name all 3 within 30 seconds
Angie Malone, Steve Howard, Randy Spriggs
The restaurant prior to Ruby's Diner
What is Sammie T's
The model of car that Clyde Mowery drives
What is an Accord