St. Patty's Day
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Smarter than a 5th grader
Where am I?

Finding a shamrock on St. Patrick's Day will surely bring you good luck, how many leaves are on a shamrock?

What is: a 3 leaf clover


Byte Dance, the company that owns TikTok is from what country?

What is China


What are the 3 colors on the flag of Ireland?

What is: Orange, green and white


1st grade Language Arts: What is the 24th letter of the alphabet?

What is X


If I took a ride over the Golden Gate Bridge, what state would I be in?

What is California


What is the name of the milkshake McDonald's sells around St. Patrick's Day?

What is:The Shamrock Shake


Caitlin Clark recently broke the NCAA division 1 basketball scoring record, what college does she attend?

What is the University of Iowa


What is the capital of Ireland?

What is: Dublin Ireland


2nd grade science: Who invented the lightbulb?

Who is: Thomas Edison


If I took a guided boat tour and passed the Statue of Liberty, what state would I be in?

What is New York


What can people do to you if you do not wear green on St. Patrick's Day?

What is: pinch you


What is the term for videos or audio clips of people saying things that they really didn't say?

What is Deep Fakes


What continent is Ireland located on?

What is Europe


3rd grade math: How many sides does an octagon have?

What is 8


If my family took a vacation to Disney World, what state would I be in?

What is Florida


What mythological being is a part of St. Patrick's Day lore and Irish culture?

What is a Leprechaun 


LeBron James became the first player to score 40,000 points in the NBA, what team originally drafted him way back in 2003?

What is the Cleveland Cavaliers 


What east coast NBA basketball team has a mascot that has ties to the country of Ireland?

What is the Boston Celtics


4th grade Language Arts: What is the plural form of the word deer?

What is deer


If I wanted to go on a guided tour of the Freedom Trail and visit the location of a famous tea party or even see Paul Revere's home, what state would I be in?

What is Massechuttesets 


When it comes to St. Patrick's Day, what is supposedly found at the of a rainbow?

What is: A pot of gold


What type of elections are currently taking place, in which states nominate who they would like to see as the candidates in the general election?

What are Primary Elections

What is the slogan for the cereal that connects kids to Ireland called Lucky Charms? They are ___________

What is: They are magically delicious!


5th grade Geography: The Tropic of Capricorn lies in which hemisphere?

What is the Southern Hemisphere


If I found myself looking up at the landmark of Mt. Rushmore, what state would I be in?

What is South Dakota