Wee Folks
Pot of Gold

The little merrymakers were astonished when they looked up and saw Tim peering down at them.

 What is the meaning of peering as it is used in the story or sentence?

A. person

B. stare

C. amaze

D. ignore

What is stare? 


Anna has a pot of gold that is 2/10 full. Rob as a pot of gold that is 4/10 full. How much gold do they have in total?

What is 6/10? 

What is the first page you look for in the writing packet? 

What is the writing prompt? 


Different types of bird beaks are an example of 

A. food webs. 

B. weathering 

C. animals behavior 

D. adaptation 

What is an adaptation? 


Name one woman you have learned about in STEM.

There are many answers. Ms.Mejia will decide. 


Read the following sentences from the story.

When Tim arrived, he spread the tablecloth before Kathleen and set down the goose in the middle of it. The bird honked and laid a golden egg. Then the most delectable eatables and drinkables began magically to appear on the table.

 What is the meaning of delectable as it is used in the story or sentence?

A. generous

B. tasty

C. detect

D. healthy

What is tasty? 


If you have 3,456 pots of gold and Ms.Mejia found 4,587 pots of gold. What is the total amount of gold?

What is 8,043? 


Name the two transitions to start paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of an essay? 

What is to begin with? 

and What is furthermore? 


Which of these traits is a learned behavior in an elephant?

A. Having large ears 

B. Digging holes to find water

C. Living in a warm climate 

D. Breathing air with lungs 

What is digging holes to find water? 


Name the author who created a beautiful combination of quilting and painting in striking works of art.  Her African-American heritage inspires visual storytelling in her colorful masterpieces like in stories such as Tar Beach. 

(Hint: You learned this in Mrs. Rivera Class) 

Who is Faith Ringgold?  


Select two traits to describe the main character in the tale of “Tim O’Toole and the Wee Folk. Then tell the details that reveal more about his thoughts, feelings, and actions.

A. demanding



 Tim O’Toole is a man who is foolish with his new fortune. For example, he tells the McGoons about his treasure each time he stays over their house.

 Furthermore, he is demanding with the wee folk. When he finds the wee folk, he loudly tells them to give him their gold.


Liana found 12 four-leaf clovers. Bobby found 8 times as many as Liana. How many four-leaf clovers did Bobby find?

What is 96? 


List the three types of elaboration? 

What is definition, description, and anecdote? 


A physical adaptation that helps an animal hide from predators is a(n)

 A. adaptation 

B. migration 

C. camouflage

D. instinct 

What is camouflage? 


The text “ Tim O’Toole and the Wee Folk” is an example of what type of literature? 

A. poem

B. play or drama

C. prose

What is a prose? 


Based on the wee folk words and actions, what inferences they made when Tim O'Toole kept coming for more treasures? Include story details to support your response.

Tim O'Toole was getting tricked by the McGoons. In the story, Tim kept coming back upset because his fortune wouldn’t work at home. The wee folk suspected Tim was not following directions and began to question him. By Tim’s admitting he stayed at the McGoons, the wee folk found out Tim was being tricked by the McGoons.


If the Wee Folks sang for 6/10 of the day. How much did they sing in decimal form? 

What is 0.6? 


Name a Cite Evidence starter to write a text evidence sentence? 

What is "The text states"? 


Which of the following animal behaviors is learned?

A. A parrot opening a box

B. A robin building a nest 

C. A bee making honey 

D. A shark swimming fast 

What is a parrot opening a box ?


What is one word on the excerpt from "Tim O'Toole and the Wee Folk“ that means complaining?

"Tim O'Toole," said Kate. "I can stand no more of being poor, and you sitting around bemoaning your fate."

What is bemoaning? 


Describe a theme of “ Tim O’Toole and the Wee Folk”.  Include details from the story events and characters’ actions that helped your group infer the theme.

There are many themes in the story. Ms.Mejia will be the judge of your answer.


Ms.Mejia bought 5 1/4 of cereal and 2 3/4 of cookies to make goody bags for the Lucky Duck Celebration. How much more cereal than cookies did Ms.Mejia buy? 

What is 2 2/4? or What is 2 1/2? 


If I read the text Tim O'Toole and The Wee Folk, and I decided to include the sentence, There below him was a troop of the wee folk, laughing and singing and carrying on, in my essay, how should I write this sentence? 

The author in Tim O'Toole and The Wee Folk, states, "There below him was a troop of the wee folk, laughing and singing and carrying on." 


Trees in southern Florida do not go through the same kinds of seasonal changes as trees in the northern parts of the country, for which of the following reasons?

A. In southern Florida, temperatures are warmer. 

B. The trees in southern Florida have thicker trunks. 

C. The trees in southern Florida grow faster. 

D. In southern Florida, there is more rain in the summer. 

What is in southern Florida, temperatures are warmer? 


What is one word from "Tim O'Toole and the Wee Folk“ that means money?

Kathleen kept after him, and next morning Tim set out to see if he could earn some wages.

What are wages?