These two bridesmaids were present on Lucy's first date with Eric.
Sara and Emma
Lucy read this major book series beginning when she only in second grade!
Harry Potter
The number of siblings (including Australian ones) that Lucy has.
Lucy eats these traditionally Jewish potato pancakes with sugar or applesauce on Hannukah.
This American comedy-drama following a New York City media conglomerate is Lucy and Eric's favorite show to watch together.
Lucy had this injury twice! Once after Dad crashed a bike with her on it, and the next when she fell off her scooter.
Broken arm
Mom's chocolate cheesecake
The number of first cousins Lucy has (not including Australians).
Lucy studied this language for 6 years despite her hatred of it.
Lucy thought these creatures were baby squirrels up until age 24.
La Croix Flavor
Peach Pear / Tangerine
The couch
This is the only acceptable place to by sugar cookies in Cleveland.
Lucy and Eric attended this kind of performance for their first valentines day together.
Drag show
Lucy was a surprisingly terrible singer and tone deaf until she learned to play this instrument in middle school.
Lucy has an aunt and uncle in this southwestern city, which is the first place she flew on an airplane by herself.
Albuquerque, NM
This New Zealand singer/songwriter is Lucy's best celebrity look alike.
The West Side Market
These two fancy schmancy private schools were Lucy's first taste of uniforms before she settled into the Shaker public school system.
Hawken and Laurel
Candy Bar
100 Grand
This mountainous location was where Lucy attended her first family reunion and discovered how many more cousins she had.
Estes Park, Colorado
This is Lucy's dream job.