The poor man
What did the rich man wear?
Purple clothes and fine linen
What is one lesson this parable teaches about wealth?
We should not ignore those in need.
Who are the "Lazaruses" in today’s world?
The poor, the sick, the homeless, and anyone in need.
What is the place where the rich man suffered after death?
Hades (hell)
He lived in luxury every day
The rich men
Where did Lazarus go after he died?
By Abraham’s side (Heaven)
What mistake did the rich man make in his life?
He ignored the suffering of Lazarus.
What are some ways we can help those in need?
Donating, volunteering, being kind, sharing resources.
Who carried Lazarus to Abraham’s side?
This group of people were the ones the rich man wanted to warn about the afterlife.
The rich man’s five brothers
What did the rich man ask Lazarus to do for him?
Dip his finger in water to cool his tongue
Why does the parable mention a "great chasm" in the afterlife?
To show that choices in life have eternal consequences.
What can this parable teach us about gratitude?
Be thankful for what we have and share with others.
How did the rich man describe his suffering in Hades?
I am in agony in this fire
He was with Lazarus in heaven and spoke to the rich man.
What did Lazarus eat from the rich man’s table?
Crumbs that fell from the table
What does this parable say about second chances after death?
There are no second chances after we die.
Why do you think people sometimes ignore those who need help?
Because of selfishness, fear, or lack of awareness.
What separated the rich man from Lazarus after death?
Great chasm
According to Abraham, they were already teaching God’s truth
Moses and the prophets
What did Abraham say the rich man’s brothers should listen to?
The Moses and the prophets
Why didn’t Abraham send Lazarus back to warn the rich man’s brothers?
Because they already had the teachings of Moses and the prophets.
What is one practical thing you can do this week to live out this parable?
Help someone in need, donate to charity, be kind to someone struggling.
What does this parable suggest about final judgment?
That our choices on earth have eternal consequences.