Most of the apostles do not believe them when they share what they saw at the tomb.
*Unique to Luke's account.
Who are the women?
Mary Magdalene, Mary the wife of Cleopas, Salome, Joanna
‘The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone’?
*From the Parable of the Tenant Farmers
Who is "Jesus as the cornerstone of the church"?
The _______ is the one who ________.
What is the "greatest" and "serves"?
These are the first to go to the temple and see Jesus' body is not there. (Hint: they don't believe them at first)
Who are the women and Peter?
Luke historicizes the ______ day period between the resurrection and the Ascension.
What is 40?
A man who owns a vineyard sends 3 servants to collect a harvest and eventually his son. The ______ kill all of them.
Who are the "Tenant Farmers"?
They will be responsible for this after Jesus' death.
What is carrying out Jesus' mission?
Who does Jesus appear to after He has risen, who doesn't recognize him at first?
Who is Cleopas?
Jesus looks with mercy and love on him after he betrays Him three times.
Who is Peter?
This parable is a warning for the Sanhedrin about the consequences for what they are doing to the Son of God.
What is the "Parable of the Tenant Farmers"?
The Latin words for INRI.
One has the body of Christ (corpus) on it.
What is the difference between a cross and a crucifix?
While being arrested, Jesus shows mercy and heals this man's ear.
Who is the servant of the high priests?
The Roman agents try to trap Jesus by asking him about paying _______ to _______?
What is "taxes" and "Caesar"?
These parallel the 12 tribes of Israel.
Who are the 12 apostles?
Remind us of the devastating effects of sin and the self giving love of God.
What is a Crucifix?
Luke ends his Gospel and begins Acts of the Apostles with this story.
What is the Ascension?
They have responsibilities, but give to God what he really wants.
What is the significance of the "Paying Taxes to Caesar" parable?
God believes we are worth the death of His Son, and Jesus believes we are worth _________.
What is "his suffering and death"?
This action emphasizes his full (body & soul) resurrection (not just a ghost/spirit). It's also why we eat physical bread at Mass.
What is Jesus eats bread after his Ascension?