The place where the last supper took place.
What is the Upper Room in Jerusalem?
Who asked Pilate for Jesus' body to give Him a proper burial?
Who is Joseph of Arimathea?
Who is Simon of Cyrene?
These groups are investigating Jesus;
1. Chief Priests
2. Elders
3. Scribes
Who is the Sanhedrin?
In The Last Supper, we have the words of ________ of the _________, which also appear in other gospels.These parallel the 12 tribes of Israel.
What is "institution" and "Eucharist"?
He asks for salvation and believes in Jesus when they are on the cross.
Who is the Penitent Thief?
This name means "Son of the Father". It's ironic because Jesus was the true Son of the Father.
Who is Barabbas?
This is the proof the Sanhedrin use to arrest Jesus. "Are you the Messiah?"
What is "You say that I am."
What is the Gethsemane (Mount of Olives)?
It's not the nails that keep Jesus on the cross, but his _____.
What is "love for us"?
A "puppet king" who was Jewish and the high priests thought they would help in their investigation.
Who is King Herod?
This man conspires with the high priests to hand over Jesus for 30 shillings.
Who is Judas Iscariot?
He says this “I AM NOT WHO YOU SAY I AM” when accused of being a follower of Jesus.
This is Jesus last supplication (humble request) for us.
Roman governor who had the jurisdiction and political power to arrest Jesus.
Who is Pontius Pilate?
Jesus foretells his disciples of this. (Hint: Luke was also living in a time of this.)
What is "intense persecution"?
Jesus says this in the garden in a moment of humanity.
What is “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.”?
Now, all people can have access to the presence of God (not just VIP, the chief priests, etc). It foreshadows the destruction of the temple.
What is the torn veil of the Holy of Holies?
Jesus said this when asked by Pilate "Are you the King of the Jews?" (Hint, this is different than his response to the Sanhedrin.)
What is "You say so"?
This is what Jesus was charged with and Pilate had written on top of his cross. (the Latin acronym)
What is INRI?
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum