What is the company that made Minecraft?
What is Luke's main weapon
What are the Four Classes in Terraria
Melee, Ranger, Mage, Summoner
Who won the Hollow Knight Jeopardy Hosted by Andrew?
What entity is Charles always kamikazing into
Bracken(Flower Man)
What materials are required to craft an anvil
What is Vrs used for
Buying Weapons, Gadgets, Specializations etc.
What item gives 20 health permenantly when comsumed?
Life Crystal
What year was Hollow Knight released?
How many moons are there? (excluding company buildings and secret moons)
What version added the Ocean Monuments?
How many weapons are there in The Finals
What are the hardmode ores? (One from each tier required)
Cobalt or Palladium, Orichulcum or Mythril, Titianium or Adamantite
How much percentage can you get in Hollow Knight?
What is the name of the item the butler drops?
Kitchen Knife
What materials are required to craft an end crystal?
1 Ghast tear, 1 Eye of Ender, 7 Glass
How many different gamemodes are there as of right now (you have to name them)
(Quick Cash, World Tour, Ranked Tournament, Bank It, Power Shift, Terminal Attack, Team Deathmatch)
How many Pre hardmode bosses are there?
Cyclone Slash, Dash Slash, Great Slash
What item has the highest maximum value?
Gold bar
What enchantment has the following description?
Increases damage against aquatic mobs
How many non-gun weapons are there in The Finals?
(Dagger, Sword, Bow, Throwing Knives, Dual Blades, Riot Shield, Flamethrower, Sledgehammer, Spear)
What are the names of the four endgame pillars?
Solar, Vortex, Nebula, Stardust
How many Charm Notches can the Knight have?
Name all the hostile outside entities
Baboon Hawk, Earth Leviathan, Eyeless Dog, Forest Keeper, Old Bird