This pathology is a defect in the pars interarticularis, usually caused by repetitive stress
what is the test for scoliosis?
Adams forward bend test
cafe au lait spots are indicative of what condition?
Which vertebra is opposite the umbilicus?
What is hook lying position?
Lying supine with hips and knees flexed and feet flat on the table.
Spondylolisthesis most commonly occurs between which vertebra?
L4 and L5; L5 and S1
Which test can be used to discriminate between symptoms caused by neuropathy or disc herniations?
The straight leg raise (Lasegue)/Wells test
Faun's beard is indicative of
spina bifida
Which vertebra is level with the PSIS?
Where does most rotation occur in the spine?
cervical and then thoracic
Functional scoliosis is what classified as what?
lateral bending of the spinal column in the frontal plane
In the SLR/Wells test, which tests the sciatic and which tests for space occupying lesion? At what degree of hip flexion is the SLR highly significant?
SLR- sciatic (less than 30 deg)
Wells- space occupying lesion
What is a step off deformity and what is it indicative of?
one spinous process is located more anteriorly than another; spondylolisthesis
Which vertebra is level with the iliac crest?
What is the FABER test an acronymn for?
Flexion, abduction, external rotation
What syndrome is indicative if pt has bilateral leg pain, absent deep tendon reflexes, or changes in bowel bladder function?
cauda equina syndrome
Radiating pain in this test indicates impingement while non-radiating pain indicates joint facet pathology
Quadrant test
This condition presents with thoracic kyphosis (slouching) (a skeletal disorder that causes the spine to curve abnormally); Usually occurs during adolescence, between the ages of 10–15, and is more common in boys than girls
Scheuermann's disease
typically demarcated by bilateral dimples
Gower's sign (using their hands to walk up their thighs to stand up straight) is a sign of? What test should you use?
segmental instability- use prone instability test
What two tests test for meningeal signs? Which one ids nerve entrapment, which one dural sheath stretching?
2) Brudzinski- dural sheath stretching
Cecin's sign may be useful in helping establish diagnosis of which condition?
herniated disc (like valsalva, but leaning forward and cough)