Just for fun!

Which sentence is the most certain? Explain your reasoning.  
A. The snow is definitely due to fall tonight.
B. The snow is surely due to fall tonight.

Sentence A is the most certain because ‘definitely’ suggests it is certain to happen when compared to ‘surely’.


is this spelt correctly or incorrectly?




What does the word pleaded mean?

To beg someone for something


Deborah frowned as she looked up at the overcast sky. "I'm a bit concerned it might rain at the picnic," she told her class. "Please make sure you've packed a      raincoat before you get on the bus."
Does overcast mean:
a. most of the sky is sunny
 b. most of the sky is cloudy
c. raining



How many siblings does your class mates have?

can you name them too? :)

Salma- 2 (brother and a sister)

Zaynab- 3 (2 sisters and a brother)

Iyla - 2 (sister and a brother)


Tell us the adverbial of place in the sentence below.

We walked quietly down the corridor to the head’s office

down the corridor


Whats wrong with these words?

Acheve  and   bruse

They're missing an I


What does it mean to walk sluggishly?

To walk slowly, sadly, lazily


Read and answer the question below
Sleek and striped, the tiger sneaks through the grass Her prey is running, racing, hiding out Terrified creatures wait for her to pass The tiger creeps by, make sure you don’t shout.

Q- Why do you think the creatures are terrified in the first verse? 

They don’t want the tiger to catch them.


What does your friend want to be when they grow up?

salma- dentist

Iyla- designer

Zaynab- doctor/ nurse


Rewrite the sentences below as one    sentence which includes a relative    clause. Remember to use the correct punctuation.

James has three brothers and a sister. They live next door to me.

James, who has three brothers and a sister lives next door to me 


James who lives next door to me has three brothers and a sister


Are these spelt correctly or incorrectly?





what does grieving and criticise mean?

grieving - to be in grief, very sad due to a loss

criticise - indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. 


This is at the end of the poem

Sleek and striped, the tiger sprints through the bush Her prey is jumping, leaping, dashing as well She’s hungry and hunting, she’s in a rush The tiger streaks by, make sure you don’t yell. Sleek and striped, the tiger lies with her young The jungle breathes now, the hunting is done.

Qhow do you feel about the tiger now? 

scared of the tiger or feel sorry for the tiger as she was just trying to feed her baby


In only 10 seconds - describe your friend
you cant repeat the words!

yay well done!


Where should the punctuation go in these sentences to add in parenthesis

There was no guarantee that they would survive the night the temperature had already dropped below zero.

The stomach which sits below the lungs digests food using enzymes and gastric acid.

There was no guarantee that they would survive the night (the temperature had already dropped below zero).

The stomach (which sits below the lungs) digests food using enzymes and gastric acid.


Whats wrong with these words?




aggressive - Was missing a G

Controversy - Had an extra R

Competition - not sion but tion


give me a synonym for the following words - 



all the time

sob, weep, wail, bawl, snivel

swiftly, fast, speedy, nimble, agile, brisk

continuous, constant, always


Lots of children, young people and adults enjoy energy drinks. These fruity, fizzy drinks are available in an astounding range of weird and wonderful flavours and they promise to deliver that extra energy boost to help you get through a busy day.

Q-In the introduction, what phrase does the writer use to make energy drinks sound desirable? 

Astounding range of weird and wonderful flavours.


solve this riddle!

it belongs to you, but your friends use it more!
what is it?

Your name!


Identify the relative clauses in the paragraph

Summer    is    finally    here! Weather forecasters have confirmed that the hot weather, which arrived last week, is here to stay. According to Sunni Shine, who is chief weather reporter for the Weather Channel, temperatures look set to stay high until the end of the month

which arrived last week


who is chief weather reporter for the Weather Channel


Spell the words your teacher says!





what does Glisten, Emerge and Ingenious mean?

Glisten - Shine or sparkle when wet.

Emerge - Become visible by moving out of/away from something.

Ingenious - Clever, original, inventive


Did you know that non-diet energy drinks often contain almost three times the amount of sugar as a standard soft drink? After the caffeine from an energy drink has been absorbed into your bloodstream, the sugar begins to enter your bloodstream too. As your blood sugar levels rise, an organ called the pancreas begins to produce insulin, which helps your body to turn the sugar into energy. If that energy doesn’t get used up, it is stored as fat.

Q-  What does insulin do to sugar in your body?

Insulin helps turn sugar into energy. If the energy isn’t used, it is stored as fat


solve this english riddle

What is in seasons,seconds, centuries and minutes but NOT in decades?

The letter N!