True or False
When talking one-on-one with someone, appropriate eye-contact is expected nonverbal communication.
What is TRUE?
NO eye contact may mean???
Picking your nose in public.
what if your nose itches?...what can you do in this situation.
When it's something you can't ignore (e.g., an 8th grader stares at me and calls me "ugly, dork, or nerd" most days as I walk to second hour).
What is a BIG DEAL?
is it mean, rude, or bullying?
You are in FACS class. You are in the middle of sharing a presentation about the meal you prepared at home (a framed egg and Takis) for your family- then you notice a few of your listeners turn to each other and start a private conversation.
What is, rude?
what does talking say to the person presenting?
Being polite, whether you get it right or get it wrong, win or don't brag, pout, cry, or shout.
What is:
Being a good sport.
Give an example when can you use this skill?
It is important to turn your face and body toward someone when you are talking to them or they are talking to you.
What is TRUE?
Saying hi, Mrs. ___ when first meeting a friend's parent or a boyfriend/girlfriends for the first time.
What is shaking hands a sign of???
When I went to the movies this summer --- (the line at Minions the Rise of Gru was soooooo long, what's up with that!) makes me sooooo angry.
What is a LITTLE DEAL?
what can you do now? what can you do next time, if it happens again?
You see Mr. Mendez on BeReal for the 3rd time this week wearing Vipers, flashing peace signs and making a silly face. You decide to give him a thumbs down emoji and comment "pick me!" then your friend comments "L", or "he's obviously looking for likes!"
What is bullying?
what if someone chats with can you deal with this?
What are THREE motto's for Mission Trail MS per Mama Waters?
What are respectful, responsible, be safe?
Give an example of each...
Having your arms crossed while talking to another person indicates that you’re showing interest in what someone’s saying.
What is FALSE?
what DOES it tell people when you have arms crossed???
Wearing or leaving headphones/air pods (even the ones with noise cancellation) on when someone is trying to talk to you, or in a public place.
What does this behavior tell others around you?
When you can't get over it for a long time (e.g., losing a close friend you've known for 3 years- because they ghosted you on tik tok, parents getting divorced, or a close relative or pet passing away).
What is a BIG DEAL?
what advice would you give a friend?
Every day when Mrs. Garibay goes to her office in the library, Mr. Jewett gives her a dirty look, gets in her face and says "I can't believe you're wearing THAT again, seriously you have a real job buy some different clothes"
What is bullying?
what makes it bullying? what can Mrs. Garibay do?
We say what we are thinking or feeling POLITELY, without getting upset, acting rude, or yelling at the other person.
Demonstrate an example of respectfully disagreeing
Staring at someone intensely makes most people feel comfortable and safe.
What is FALSE?
What advice might you tell a friend to do in this situation???
Making loud, repeated random noises in a quiet classroom (e.g., "ok boomer", "let's go!!!," or fake burping.
Why do most [people do it- what may help the situation?
When it's mildly annoying (examples, the wifi goes down at Mission Trail, my tik toks/BeReals are unopened, Mrs. Savage WONT'T let me listen to music while i work, or they run out of waffle cakes.
What is a LITTLE DEAL?
You are in the hallway and see a friend showing off his new iPhone 13 PRO (the one with THREE cameras)- you decide to bump him "accidentally" and it ends up falling out of his hand and into the trash can. All the students see it and start laughing.
What is mean?
why isn't it bullying? why isn't it rude?
This helps you think about OTHER people's thoughts, feelings and intentions?
Rolling your eyes and sighing heavily when someone is talking is considered to be polite behavior.
What is FALSE?
What does this behavior tell a friend? a teacher? a parent? a girl/boyfriend?
Looking away and not responding when someone asks “How are you?,” waves, or says "hi."
How does it make you feel when someone asks how are you, waves, or says hi?
When you misplace your airpod PRO's sometime today and now it's 6th hour- surely someone stole them because I see EVERYONE looking at them when I wear them
What is a BIG DEAL?
what advice can you give a friend that has this happen to them- what steps should they take?
Mrs. Burch says let's get our Math workbook so we can do money math. You LOOK AT HER for a second and say "I don't think so" and get on you tube on your SurfaceGO to look at dance videos, or Amazon to by a skirt.
What is rude?
when is the RIGHT time to do this?
What is the school mascot for Mission Trail MS and what is his name?
What is Timmy the Timberwolf?
How old is he?