Who is the head coach of the Cleveland Browns
who is Kevin Stephanski
This game is a shooter-survival game where you can either play in a battle royal or save the world mode
what is Fortnite
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This meme consists of an upset cat
who is Grumpy Cat
This machine was made during the reign of terror in France
what is the Guillotine
This Christmas movie is about a terrorist attack
what is Die Hard
This man is the current WWE champion
who is Big E
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This game is the first video game to ever be released
what is Pong
What animal says the famous line " This is fine "
what is a dog
This man led the Nazis in WW2
who is Hitler
This Christmas move is also considered to be a Halloween movie
what is the Nightmare before Christmas
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) Who wears number 1 for the phoenix suns
who is Devin Booker
What was the frost game console ever released
what is the Magnavox Oddissey
This subreddit has memes and it isnt r/memes
what is r/dankmemes
This man led the russians in WW2
who is Joseph Stalin
This movie has a tall elf in it
what is Elf
Who wears number 6 for the Arizona Cardinals
who is James Conner
This game was released in the 90's and the main character is a purple dragon
what is Spyro
When was the first meme created
what is the mid 1990's
The disease killed 1/3 of Europe
what is the "Black Death" or Bubonic Plague
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY )This move has Heat Miser and Snow Miser in it?
what is the year without santa claus
This port uses brooms and a large stone
what is Curling
This games main character is Artyom
what is Metro
This meme has a crypto currency named after it
what is Doge
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This man died by being buried alive in the year 323 BC.
who is Alexander the Great
This movie has an elf who wants to be a doctor/dentist
what is Rudolph the red nose reindeer