This teams former name was the Washington Redskins
what is the Washington Football Team
This game has a yellow ball that eats ghosts?
what is Pacman
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This movie has a native american woman in it?
what is Pocahontas
This subreddit is known for memes.
r/memes or r/dankmemes
This band made the song " for whom the bell tolls "
who is Metalica
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This teams former name was the Cleveland Indians
who are the Cleveland Guardians
This video game has an Italian plumber
what is Mario
This disney/pixar movie is about toys
what is Toystory
This subreddit has cursed posts
what is r/cursedimages
This rapper made the son W.A.P
who is Cardi B
This man wears #5 for the 49ers
who is Trey Lance
This game is named after john madden
what is Madden
This popular disney movie is about the day of the dead
what is Coco
This subreddits is called me in real life
what is r/ME_irl
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This band made the song Voodoo Man
Who are the Jolly Rodgers
This man is the pitcher fro the Cleveland Guardians
who is Shane Beiber
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This game was inspired by the game & character Spyro
What is Skylanders
This disney movie is about a woman who becames a man and goes into the army
what is Mulan
This subreddit is for gay people
what is r/lgbt
This band made the song Walk
Who is Pantera
This man wears #7 for the Cleveland Browns
who is Jamie Gillian
This game is about a character that eats everything
what is Kirby
This disney movie is about spies and eco-freindly gasoline
what is Cars 2
( DOUBLE JEOPARDY ) This subreddit is for uncommon sayings
what is r/brandnewsentances
This famous musician is popular for the Moon Walk
who is Michael Jackson