What does the word mental mean in the sentence below? 

Caleb had a mental picture of himself giving his speech.

A. colorful 

B. detailed 

C. in a frame 

D. in the mind 


  • in the mind

How does the word root aud help the reader understand what audience means in the sentences below? 

While Janine sang, the audience was silent. When she finished, the
crowd stood up and clapped.

A. aud means “clap” 

B. aud means “hear” 

C. aud means “stand” 

D. aud means “finish” 


  • aud means “hear”

What was the author's main purpose for writing “Lunch Money”?

A. to teach 

B. to convince 

C. to entertain 

D. to persuade 


  • to entertain

The idea of making and selling comic books had hit Greg like a KRAK!
over the head from Superman himself.

Why did the author most likely write the sentence above?

A. to make Greg look foolish 

B. to tell how Greg uses comic books 

C. to compare Greg to a comic book hero 

D. to show that Greg had a sudden thought 


  • to show that Greg had a sudden thought

Which adjective describes the noun stories in the sentence below? 

The old man told fascinating stories about the unique history of each
wonderful treasure in his shop.

A. old 

B. fascinating 

C. unique 

D. wonderful


  • fascinating

What does the word record mean in the sentence below? 

Andrea set a new record by running the race at the fastest speed.

A. a promise made to the public 

B. a goal that will never be reached 

C. a statistic that has never been beaten 

D. a problem that has many different solutions 


  • a statistic that has never been beaten

How does the word root fract help the reader understand what fraction means in the sentences below? 

The man broke off a fraction of the biscuit. His dog enjoyed eating the
tasty piece.

A. fract means “eat” 

B. fract means “dog” 

C. fract means “enjoy” 

D. fract means “break” 


  • fract means “break”

Sweet! That means I sold seventeen units.

Which word best describes Greg's voice, based on the sentence above?

A. daring 

B. enthusiastic 

C. suspicious 

D. uncaring 


  • enthusiastic

The illustration on page 491 presents Greg as a

A. haunted artist. 

B. thoughtful person. 

C. hopeless dreamer. 

D. Superman look-alike.


  • thoughtful person.

Which adjective describes the noun puppy in the sentence below? 

The puppy was very cute as it tracked muddy paw prints on the kitchenfloor and chased a stuffed toy.

A. cute 

B. muddy 

C. kitchen 

D. stuffed 


  • cute

What does the word episodes mean in the sentence below? 

My grandparents used to listen to episodes of a story that was told on
the radio.

A. discussions 

B. legends 

C. parts 

D. questions


  • parts

How does the word root junct help the reader understand what junction means in the sentences below? 

The cars went in different directions at the junction. There was a stop
sign where the two roads met.

A. junct means “car” 

B. junct means “join” 

C. junct means “stop” 

D. junct means “road”


  • junct means “join”

Greg had set a sales goal for the first week.

The author wrote this sentence to show that Greg

A. is following a plan. 

B. uses math in real life. 

C. listens to his father's advice. 

D. has only enough comics for one week. 


  • is following a plan.

What does the author's choice of the name Chunky Comics suggest about Greg's personality?

A. Greg tends to insult people. 

B. Greg has a good sense of humor. 

C. Greg is insecure about his appearance. 

D. Greg has a hard time coming up with ideas.


  • Greg has a good sense of humor.

Which noun does the adjective American describe in the sentence below? 

Many Japanese tourists journey across the vast ocean to see the American landscapes in our national parks.

A. tourists 

B. ocean 

C. landscapes 

D. parks 


  • landscapes

What does the word developed mean in the sentence below? 

Marta developed the schedule for her soccer team.

A. condensed 

B. destroyed 

C. planned 

D. released


  • planned

How does the word root port help the reader understand what transportedmeans in the sentences below? 

The plane transported the people over the ocean. The suitcases were
carried in the cargo part of the plane.

A. port means “part” 

B. port means “carry” 

C. port means “water” 

D. port means “people”


  • port means “carry”

Which part of the passage did the author write to show that Greg is completely focused on selling his books?

A. “Regular comic books were sort of tall. Also a little floppy.
Not Greg's.” 

B. “He chewed the warm bread and the soft cheese, but he didn't
taste a thing.” 

C. “He got to pick the name because he was the author of all the
Chunky Comics stories.” 

D. “Comic books had been part of Greg's life forever, mostly because
of his dad's collection.”


  • “He chewed the warm bread and the soft cheese, but he didn't
    taste a thing.”

Why did the author show the ten steps Greg uses to make his comic books?

A. to encourage Greg's friends to produce their own small books 

B. to tell how Greg became interested in creating his own comics 

C. to explain how reading comic books helped Greg develop story

D. to describe the process used to create a small book from one piece
of paper


  • to describe the process used to create a small book from one piece
    of paper

What does the adjective German identify in the sentence below? 

My uncle showed us the German toys he had from when he was
growing up.

A. origin 

B. what size 

C. how many 

D. comparison 


  • origin

What does the word feature mean in the sentence below? 

Today's talent show will feature the fifth-grade students.

A. educate 

B. focus on 

C. appreciate 

D. consult with 


  • focus on

How does the word root mem help the reader understand what memory means in the sentences below? 

The children said the poem from memory. They recalled all the words

A. mem means “correct” 

B. mem means “children” 

C. mem means “to speak” 

D. mem means “mindful of” 


  • mem means “mindful of”

The author indicates that some sentences from the passage are told in Greg's voice by

A. using italics. 

B. including captions. 

C. capitalizing all the words. 

D. enclosing some text in parentheses. 


  • using italics.

What impression do the full-size illustrations of Creon, Eeon, and Leon most likely make on the reader?

A. They prove Greg's artistic talent. 

B. They communicate Greg's mastery of color. 

C. They show that Greg should try a different hobby. 

D. They make the reader wonder at Greg's success. 


  • They prove Greg's artistic talent.

What does the adjective three identify in the sentence below? 

I rode the Santa Fe Railroad with three of my best friends.

A. origin 

B. what kind 

C. how many 

D. comparison


  • how many