Who is the main character?
What color is Franny's house?
pink and purple
What did the other kids bring for their lunch?
What is the name of Franny's dolls?
Chompolina & Ozzette
Who is Franny's teacher?
Miss Shelly
What is in Franny's room?
What did Franny transform into?
a normal girl
What happened to the trashcan?
It started to move
What things did Franny's mom put in her room?
Flowers, pictures with unicorns and stuffed animals
Who is a mad scientist?
Why was it hard for Franny to make friends?
She was a little strange compared to the other students.
What is the name of Franny's monster book?
Franny's Book On Monster Making
What kind of monster came out of the trashcan?
Pumpkin Crab Monster
What does Franny say that bats are like?
rats with pterodactyl wings
Who is worried about Franny?
Miss Shelly
How does Franny plan to make friends?
She will do an experiment to be normal.
What did the cup look like that Franny poured the formula into?
It had a happy sheep holding a baby sheep that was wearing a diaper
How did Franny make the other monster?
She made it by using the meat from the kids' sandwiches.
What does Franny's doll Oozette do?
gushes sticky gunk when you hug her
Who rescues Miss Shelly from the monster?
Franny and her monster
Did Franny like going to school?
What kind of sandwich did Franny take for her lunch?
peanut butter and jelly
Why did the monster get a job at the school?
Because he fixed the flagpole and repaired the broken wall
a skull or giant squid eyeball