This is the leading cause of cancer.
What is sunlight
This procedure involves freezing something off with liquid nitrogen.
What is cryosurgery.
With this diagnostic procedure for lung cancer, the patient is at an increased risk for a pneumothorax.
What is a bronchoscopy with a biopsy
This type of cancer is the leading cause of death in men and women and is usually not diagnosed until its advanced stages.
What is lung cancer
This type of cancer is the second leading type of cancer in women.
What is breast cancer
Name some major teaching points for skin cancer.
Avoid sunlight during peak hours (1100-1500); Wear sunglasses when outside; Use sunscreen with AT LEAST 15 SPF
What does ABCDE stand for in skin cancer assessment?
Asymmetry; Borders (irregular); Color; Diameter (>6mm); Elevation
Name some risk factors for skin cancer.
Exposure to UV light; Chronic skin irritation; Fair complexion; Several large or many small moles; Family history of unusual moles; Family history or PMH of melanoma
What are 3 types of biopsies?
Punch biopsy (SQ tissue); Shave biopsy (scrape off); Exicision biopsy (entire lesion is removed)
For a client with lung cancer on palliative care, what are appropriate medications to give?
Bronchodilators, corticosterioids, and pain meds
This type of cancer is from the basal cell layers of the epidermis.
What is basal cell skin cancer
This topical chemo medication is usually given to someone with skin cancer.
What is 5-Flourouracil (5-FU)
What are some big risk factors for a client to develop breast cancer?
Older than 40; Early menarche; Late menopause; First pregnancy after 30; Oral contraceptives; hormone replacement therapy; high fat and low fiber diet
Name some nursing interventions for a client with lung cancer.
Suction as needed; High fowlers; Humidified oxygen; thoracentesis to check drainage; smoking cessation
What are some major assessments for lung cancer?
Rust colored or blood tinged sputum; dyspnea; unilateral wheezing; chest wall pain; fatigue
This type of skin cancer is from the epidermis and can invade locally- is potentially metastatic.
What is squamous cell skin cancer.
What are signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
Orange peel appearance on breast; dimpling; Nipple retraction or ulceration; enlarged lymph nodes
A patient is post-op following a surgery for breast cancer. What are some important teaching points?
Support arm on operative side with sling while ambulation; Lie on unaffected side post op; Maintain surgical asepsis of dressings, drains; Avoid injection, BP and drawing blood on affected side; No constrictive clothing except the lymph edema sleeve
How often should self breast exams, clinical breast exams, and mammograms be performed?
Monthly SBE, Yearly CBE, and First mammogram at 40 then yearly after that
Tobacco use or second hand smoke is the leading risk factor for this type of cancer.
What is lung cancer
This kind of skin cancer is highly metastatic and originates from the melanin-producing cells of the epidermis.
What is malignant melanoma
This med is commonly given to a client with skin cancer that fights the cancer and viruses.
What is interferon
Name 3 critical assessment tools necessary to detect breast cancer.
Self breast exam, Clinical breast exam, mammography
A client is scheduled to have a mammogram tomorrow. What is important teaching the nurse needs to tell her?
Don't use deodorant or talc powder before the procedure because it may show up on scan and look like calcification
Skin cancer is more common in younger folks. (True or False)
FALSE. More common in older adults because their skin is more likely to be damaged