Horrible thing the Witch turns people into
Why do the children have to go stay with the Professor?
Their parents sent them during WWII.
The names of the four children in order from oldest to youngest
Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy
Mr. Tumnus is this type of creature, half man, half goat
What is a faun?
In the exposition, he children discover Narnia by going into this large piece of furniture
a wardrobe?
What does the Witch give Edmund when she first meets him
Turkish Delight
What object is in Narnia to help the children find their way back home?
A lampost
When Lucy first entered Narnia she met this character
Who is Mr. Tumnus?
How does the Queen get around Narnia?
On her sledge
How did Edmund change from beginning of story to the end?
Answers may vary:
He realized power is not as important as loyalty to family.
He went from rude to caring.
The Police Officer who works for the White Witch
Maugrim the wolf
What season does the White Witch make Narnia for eternity?
Edmund met these two evil characters when he first discovered Narnia
The White Witch & a dwarf
What animal in Narnia guided the children to the Beaver's home?
a robin
Name 2 conflicts that occur in the rising action of the story.
Answer may vary
(Animals turn to stone, Edmund is being lied to by the White Witch, Narnia is forever Winter, Aslan is killed, etc.)
What task did the witch want Edmund to do?
To bring her all of his siblings to her at the same.
What was strange about the room with the wardrobe?
It was completely empty other than the wardrobe, a dead fly and a bottle.
Two part question:
1)Who does the queen tell they will be King of Narnia?
2)Who does Aslan tell will they be King of Narnia?
1) Edmund
2) Peter
Lucy kept repeating to herself this warning as she entered the wardrobe
You should never shut the door if you're inside a wardrobe.
What is one theme we can learn from Edmund?
Answers may vary
(Never trust a stranger. Family is more important than power. Honesty is important)
What is needed to overthrow the White Witch
Two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve on the throne.
Where are the four thrones located?
Cair Paravel
Name at least 1 gift each child received from Father Christmas.
Peter-a sword and a shield
Lucy-a dagger and a bottle with medicine
Susan-A bow and arrows and an ivory horn.
Mr. Beaver told the children they must meet Aslan where?
The stone table
What theme is represented by the White Witch and Aslan?
Good versus Evil