When is my birthday?
December 28 2012
What country has competed the most times in the Summer Olympics yet hasn’t won a gold medal?
The Phillippines
What is the only food that can never go bad?
How many bones are in the human body?
What is my favorite sport?
Who was the first Major League player to pitch a ball over 100 mph?
Nolan Ryan
Does an Orange always have the same amount of slices?
Whats my first two favorite video games?
NHL 24 and Fortnite
how many people have walked on the moon?
What is my favorite school subject?
What do you call it when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?
How many seeds are in a pumpkin?
What's my middle name?
Raymond Graham
what year was the phone released?
What is my favorite fruit?
Who was the first black NHL player?
Willie O'ree
Which two spices are the most popular in the world?
Mustard and pepper
What are my first 3 favorite sports?
Hockey, Soccer and Golf
Which is the highest populated country in the world?
How did i get my name?
From a show
What’s the diameter of a basketball hoop in inches?
if you have Mageirocophobia, what are you afraid of?
Mageirocophobia is an extreme fear of cooking
How did i get my name?
My great grandpa who died
Which athlete has won the most Olympic medals?
Micheal Phelps (with 28 medals)